View Full Version : I'm only 16 what could possibly be wrong with me?! HELP PLEASE

11-08-12, 23:49
Hi, I'm 16 years old and a pretty healthy male, at least thats what the docs told me. Well recently about a week ago I had a massive migraine which caused me to vomit everywhere, and after that my hand went numb, like it fell asleep, and then it traveled all the way up to my mouth. Thats what scared me, I googled my symptoms and It came up stroke. I actually thought I was having a stroke. So I went to the emergency room and then did a blood test and EKG and everything came up fine. I was normal. The doctor just said I had anxiety which caused me to hyperventilate. I believed him but every since that day I still feel like there is something wrong with me. I still don't feel normal at all. A couple days ago it felt like there was something very cold on the top of my head, and I actually thought I was bleeding out of my brain and having a brain anyueresm. I was scared but it went away. I thought it was all in my head. Today I feel like that my arms and legs are really weak, but I know they are not. I think. I don't know why they feel like this. I am so worried that there is actually something wrong with me. I also always feel like I have breathing problems constantly and find myself taking deep breaths. One every couple of minutes or so. I just had diarrhea. I don't know if that is something I should be worried about. I need serious help. I really think there is something wrong with me. What should i do?!

12-08-12, 00:21
I'm obviously not a doctor but what you described sounds exactly like the birth of an anxiety disorder. The headache can be easily a very nasty migraine and the rest is all very common with anxiety.

Think of it this way - you had a traumatic event (the headache, vomiting, er visit etc) and that set up a link in your brain. Now when you get a sensation your body gets sent into panic. You Doctor has said you are OK and these people arenwell trained however it might be worth you making an appointment and having a chat with him/her about anxiety. 16 is the start of adulthood where life starts to get stressful - hang in there bud.

12-08-12, 00:44
I'm obviously not a doctor but what you described sounds exactly like the birth of an anxiety disorder. The headache can be easily a very nasty migraine and the rest is all very common with anxiety.

Think of it this way - you had a traumatic event (the headache, vomiting, er visit etc) and that set up a link in your brain. Now when you get a sensation your body gets sent into panic. You Doctor has said you are OK and these people arenwell trained however it might be worth you making an appointment and having a chat with him/her about anxiety. 16 is the start of adulthood where life starts to get stressful - hang in there bud.

Thanks for the support! My cousin is in the medical field and told me I should also get a lyme disease test. I told my dad and he is going to get me one. I'm paranoid and don't know if it could be lymes disease, multiple sclerosis, or meningitus, or just plain health anxiety. Do you think it could be possibly be one of those?

12-08-12, 00:48
Hi hun. NEVER google symptoms. I google symptoms for my panic attacks and google told me i was having a heart attack, i has lung cancer i had all sorts....it was just a panic attack. This sounds like health anxiety which is perfectly fine so its nothing to worry about. I suggest seeing a counsellor of some sort to get to the bottom of your anxiety. You are a healthy 16 year old with a bit of anxiety dont worry :)

12-08-12, 00:51
Hi hun. NEVER google symptoms. I google symptoms for my panic attacks and google told me i was having a heart attack, i has lung cancer i had all sorts....it was just a panic attack. This sounds like health anxiety which is perfectly fine so its nothing to worry about. I suggest seeing a counsellor of some sort to get to the bottom of your anxiety. You are a healthy 16 year old with a bit of anxiety dont worry :)

I can't help it but to google my symptoms, its just a bad habit of mine. I try so hard not too! I really hope its just anxiety, but i'm going to get tested for lyme disease anyway since my cousin told me too. Thanks for the support!

12-08-12, 00:54
Ask your doctor to refer to someone to help you treat and manage your migraines.
Migraines can cause a lot of symptoms but they can be managed with diet and medication.

12-08-12, 00:56
Hi Clank and welcome to NMP

I have had very similar symptoms to you and when its happening it is very hard to believe it is all anxiety so im interested to hear opinions on this.

Let us know your test results.

12-08-12, 00:59
Hi Clank and welcome to NMP

I have had very similar symptoms to you and when its happening to you it is very hard to believe it is all anxiety so im interested to hear opinions on this.

Let us know you test results.

Alright will do. Hoping I don't have something serious happening to me :weep:

and It was my first migraine ever, I got it after a hard workout. People told me I was dehydrated but I drink well over 20 water a day.

12-08-12, 01:20
Migraines are often induced after exercise and can also come with being sick, so that does not sound like anything serious. If you had a stroke, your symptoms would be the same at all times, and would be a lot worse than what you have now, let alone different symptoms! My nan had a stroke and it was not anything like this.

It really does sound like anxiety. I get headaches (these are always on the left side and spread down my face), weird feelings and pains in my muscles, numbness, chest pain, palpitations and a list of other stuff. I know how horrible it is, especially at your age (I'm 17)

Have you seen your doctor?

12-08-12, 01:24
Migraines are often induced after exercise and can also come with being sick, so that does not sound like anything serious. If you had a stroke, your symptoms would be the same at all times, and would be a lot worse than what you have now, let alone different symptoms! My nan had a stroke and it was not anything like this.

It really does sound like anxiety. I get headaches (these are always on the left side and spread down my face), weird feelings and pains in my muscles, numbness, chest pain, palpitations and a list of other stuff. I know how horrible it is, especially at your age (I'm 17)

Have you seen your doctor?

I have a physical coming up in a few days and I'm going to talk to him about anxiety and about lymes disease.

12-08-12, 01:31
Yes that seems like a good idea, although I very highly doubt that it is lymes disease. It sounds exactly like anxiety, very similar to what other people on here to have experienced. I'm sure you will come out knowing that it is anxiety. Your doctor will probably refer you for counselling. They give you medication as a last resort, but are very unlikely to prescribe it at our age :( they gave me diazepam (valium) coming off from a major panic attack where I ended up at A&E thinking I had heart problems (I was fine), but it was the lowest dose of 2mg but it did help to calm me down. I did get citalopram, an anti-depressant which also treats anxiety disorders, but I only took one and got scared.

Hope everything works out! Feel free to PM me if you need any more advice or someone to talk to about it:)

12-08-12, 01:42
Yes that seems like a good idea, although I very highly doubt that it is lymes disease. It sounds exactly like anxiety, very similar to what other people on here to have experienced. I'm sure you will come out knowing that it is anxiety. Your doctor will probably refer you for counselling. They give you medication as a last resort, but are very unlikely to prescribe it at our age :( they gave me diazepam (valium) coming off from a major panic attack where I ended up at A&E thinking I had heart problems (I was fine), but it was the lowest dose of 2mg but it did help to calm me down. I did get citalopram, an anti-depressant which also treats anxiety disorders, but I only took one and got scared.

Hope everything works out! Feel free to PM me if you need any more advice or someone to talk to about it:) Thanks for the advice! Much appreciated :) I'm hoping everyone is right and its just anxiety! I could use the counseling. I'm tired of feeling like this and just want to be back to normal!

12-08-12, 01:51
I know that feeling too well! I've had anxiety for well over 6 months and it does get tiring, living every day thinking something is wrong with you :/. I've had one counselling session and I must say it has helped a little bit, even after just one session. My next session is Thursday.

I really think you'd benefit by educating yourself on anxiety and how it can effect us, this website is a great way to do that. You'll realise that everything you're experiencing is so normal and is a daily occurrence for some of us, which may help you feel a bit reassured. Then it will come down to the cognitive part of it, trying to change your thought processes in thinking that things like headaches aren't anything serious or life threatening, which will minimize your symptoms by stopping the fight or flight process and you'll eventually cut it short :)

12-08-12, 01:58
I know that feeling too well! I've had anxiety for well over 6 months and it does get tiring, living every day thinking something is wrong with you :/. I've had one counselling session and I must say it has helped a little bit, even after just one session. My next session is Thursday.

I really think you'd benefit by educating yourself on anxiety and how it can effect us, this website is a great way to do that. You'll realise that everything you're experiencing is so normal and is a daily occurrence for some of us, which may help you feel a bit reassured. Then it will come down to the cognitive part of it, trying to change your thought processes in thinking that things like headaches aren't anything serious or life threatening, which will minimize your symptoms by stopping the fight or flight process and you'll eventually cut it short :)
Well anything to stop feeling like this :S

12-08-12, 02:01
You'll sort it out soon. Don't worry :)

12-08-12, 02:28
ILL try not too :)

12-08-12, 02:33
Good good :D

12-08-12, 08:33
hi i get this feeling with my anxiety feels like some one has an ice cube on your head for a couple of seconds i think i have a brain tumour all the time i get tineling in my arm some times but iv seen 3 doctors and 6 nurses and they all say its not a brain tumour but the stress im putting my self under and the more i think about it the more i think iv got it. Its a nasty circul. i dont get migrains just the cold sensation, and feel like some one has there hand on my head in different places, I hope this reassures you that your not alone

12-08-12, 18:17
hi i get this feeling with my anxiety feels like some one has an ice cube on your head for a couple of seconds i think i have a brain tumour all the time i get tineling in my arm some times but iv seen 3 doctors and 6 nurses and they all say its not a brain tumour but the stress im putting my self under and the more i think about it the more i think iv got it. Its a nasty circul. i dont get migrains just the cold sensation, and feel like some one has there hand on my head in different places, I hope this reassures you that your not alone

Hi, I'm glad i'm not alone, but for the past two weeks I haven't been feeling normal and always feel sick. I don't know what is wrong with me and I don't even leave me house because i'm afraid wherever I go that something is going to happen to me. My parents are think that i'm actually going crazy and taking all sorts of objects away from me. I only wish they understood what I'm going through.

13-08-12, 23:55
Well im giving you guys an update. I went to the doctors and they told me I should get my blood tested for mono, lymes, and thyroid, but he says its a low chance that I have lymes. When I wen't to get my blood taken they had to take 5 full tubes full of blood, and after the 4th one, I came so close to passing out. My biggest fear is passing out and I was so scared at the time. everything went blurry and I coudn't really focus on anyone, or hear anyone, it also felt like my ears were clogged. It was a bit scary. but anyways, ill get my tests back in a week!