View Full Version : I feel so alone.

12-08-12, 06:20
I'm just so upset and alone. Idk what is going on with me. I feel such an array of symptoms that change every day. Right now I feel like I do whenever I don't eat...only, I have eaten. I just feel weird and UNEXPLAINABLE. I'm so sick of saying that. I wish i had a way to explain it. Sometimes I just want to cry so hard. I feel so alone and misunderstood about all of this I use to be so fun! So lively and energetic and funny. I just want to be me again. Does anybody rose have blood sugar symptoms? I don't think it is.my blood sugar, cause it doesn't happen all the time....is it hard for anyone else to sit still? Does anybody else just feel WEIRD? Just, different kinds of feelings...hard to explain. I am just having such a bad day, I'm sorry to be venting....I just want to be me.again!!!

12-08-12, 07:56
If you are not eating properly it will make you have that unreal feeling, you obviously will not have any energy. The not being able to sit down is agitation, a symptom of anxiety. I was having that and went to the doctor, he gave me Amitriptyline which calmed me down. Perhaps it would be a good idea to discuss your current symptoms with your GP.

I hope you start to feel better soon.

12-08-12, 09:13
You sound as though you are suffering some form of depression, possibly along with some anxiety, but the tearfulness really gives it away and that sense of just not feeling right.
Lots of people have been there and it's nothing to feel worried about. Go and see your doc, explain this, if it's difficult to say in person take this post. I'm sure they will be very understanding and willing to help in whatever way possible that suits you best.

Good luck :)