View Full Version : Advice needed

Harrison Chase
12-08-12, 09:16
Hello , it's me again.

I've posted quite a few times recently about my IBS - type symptoms.

I'm not sure whether I do have IBS or something else ?. I have tried different foods and there seems to be no rhyme or reason to how they make me feel.

I started with this about a month ago. I have been to the Doctors several times . I had blood tests done ( I think about nine different things ) and a stool sample , all came back normal. The Doctor said " probably IBS or something non-serious ".

I have OCD and I have been constantly dwelling on death and terminal illness (mostly cancer ) since this started . I have been undergoing CBT and this has improved my state of mind somewhat. Just as I start to feel more positive though , I start to feel physically worse.

I am on mebeverine. One of my worse symptoms is a burning pain at both sides of my belly. I am also experiencing back pain.

Yesterday I was feeling really positive , went out for an hours walk with my ipod on. About half an hour later I started to feel terrible , with stomach pains. I ended up going to bed early.

I am sat here now , wondering what the hell to have have for breakfast ?. I can't help thinking there is something more serious wrong with me . The Doctors don't seem too worried though.

Would the blood tests have picked up anything serious?. Should I trust the Doctors or push for more tests ?. Do bouts of IBS last this long ( a month)?.

I'm sorry for going on , but no one around me seems worried and last night in bed , I kept thinking I haven't long left.

12-08-12, 09:27
I too have ibs symptoms but ive never even been sent for tests by my doctor. If im really stressed i will have really bad stomach cramps and be bloated etc. I think the more you worry the worse it gets. Or if I eat a take away or greasy food i end up with pains. Most mornings i wake up with pains in my stomach but im used to it. It seems to be trapped wind. But if im going through a time in my life where i dont feel stressed my symtoms can go away. I take buscopan if the pains are bad and that helps

12-08-12, 09:31
what kind of diet do you have. has the doctors checked for stomach acid problems

Harrison Chase
12-08-12, 09:37
Firstly , thanks for replying, it's appreciated.

The last Doctor I saw put me on Lansoprazole , as he thought I may have acid reflux. This was after I described throat problems to him. I think though , the throat thing may be just Globus, as I have never had a burning sensation in the throat.

My diet before I felt ill wasnt the best , if I'm honest. Then when I started feeling ill I changed it to a more healthy one. But what I'm fine with one day , seems to make me ill the next ( or so it seems ).

Harrison Chase
12-08-12, 14:00
I've started worrying that it may be pancreasitis now.

12-08-12, 14:06
please try and not google it. Stress and worry alone can defienetly cause these symptoms.
The doctor also told me that i might have reflux aswell. I have chest pains alot and heartburn, heart palpitations etc. I was given omeprazole and it gets rid of these pains for me

Harrison Chase
12-08-12, 14:09
Too late , I already have :( . Do you get back pain too?.

12-08-12, 14:21
I am the same and its really hard not to google everything. The top of my back can be sore, i think its stress as i am very stressed and tense. The doctor told me to get a massage which def helped