View Full Version : Worried All of a Sudden - Ringing in Ears

12-08-12, 10:20
Does anyone know what serious things can cause ringing in ears? Earlier I was at the race track, granted there are some very loud cars, but I've gone there a hundred times before literally and never had anything like this. I just fell asleep for 90 minutes, albeit in a very bad posistion. I woke up, and I just notice my ears are ringing very loudly. Probably louder than I've ever heard, and certainly now for a longer time than ever. I know what you will say, well you were listening to loud engines, of course your ears are gonna ring, but I don't know. I dont know how many other symptoms I have really, but feels like some of the pinched nerve symptoms, its just this ringing thats been there now for about 18 minutes. I can't tell if it has decreased at all or not.

It is scaring me very badly wondering if there could be anything serious going on and I refuse to google this.

12-08-12, 13:16
I have tinnitus and have a constant ringing in my ears. I got it from being at a nightclub one night and i foolishly stood beside the speakers. That was 3 years ago and i still have the ringing in my ears. You could have gave yourself tinnitus but it could be temporary and go away. At the start my ringing was really loud but now i only hear it at night time when i am going to sleep

12-08-12, 15:12
stay away from loud noises (and caffeine if you can) and it should lessen in time, i had it for weeks once (after listening to music that i swear wasn't even that loud, and, like you, i'd done the same thing lots of times before and my ears never rang!) but it did quieten down eventually, i think sometimes the damage we do to our hearing builds up over time, the ringing is usually some of the tiny hairs that pick up on sound vibration either being damaged or dying, but it takes a lot of for them to die, most of the time they just need time to heal, and even if some die off we have more, but limit your exposure for now and the next time you go take some ear plugs :winks: also i recommend camomile tea if you don't already drink it, i believe i would have had the ringing in my ears for a lot longer if i hadn't been drinking that

12-08-12, 17:04
Constant exposure to loud noise can cause permanent tinnitus, and temporary exposure to loud noise can cause temporary tinnitus. Please evaluate repeated exposure to loud noise such as car racing carefully.

12-08-12, 17:21
I have permanwnt tinnitus and i wouldnt go to a pub or nightclub etc unless i was wearing earplugs. I can only hear the ringing when i am in bed at night and i would not want it to get loud again like it used to be at the start