View Full Version : Crohn or CU - can't get them out of my mind

12-08-12, 11:20
Yesterday I ate... too much of pizza I think and it hit my intestines. A few moments later I had to visit the toilet and of course very loosy stool with tons of gas, after 10 minutes I had to visit the toilet again, this time it was also very loosy but smaller amount... and it stopped. Lots of bloating, feeling heavy, a bit of pain in abdominal, but only a little bit. Today, when I got up, I had the same - 2 times in the toilet, loosy stools and tons of gas.

It's probably some kind of indigestion or overeating... i don't know. Not a single sign of blood or mucus, just a normal diarrhea. Not watery, but very loosy.

And of course my imagination works, and now I think it's the start of Crohn's, maybe Ulcerative Colitis. I can't get them out of my mind and I feel like sh** today because of it. 36,8*C, feeling cold - that's probably from my anxiety or this little indigestion. I can't think about anything else. Still CD and CU :( I'm feeling so hopeless, sometimes even I've got tears in my eyes. When I think it could be one of them... I don't know what I would do. Medications for those diseases are so expensive and they're not refunded in Poland, as far as I know. Then surgeries... oh my God... :(

I was in such condition many times in my life, it used to be even worse, when I had diarrhea for a few days in a row (after antibiotics for my throat), but that time I hadn't known about CD and CU yet.

I think I'm done for today. Please help :(

12-08-12, 11:27
I get the same symptoms most days with IBS especially if I eat a lot of bread based foods (like pizza dough). It does sound to me very like IBS which is annoying but nothing serious. Also you said you have it before when you took antibiotics...diarrhea can be a side effect of antibiotics.

12-08-12, 11:38
Actually my doctor said 2 months ago that I have IBS and I even take medicine for it, but I don't have diarrhea frequently. Only once a few weeks. Rather rumbling noises in my stomach, etc. But I didn't have colnoscopy. The doc just said it had been IBS. Yes, after antibiotics I had such condition, I was taking probiotics and after all it was pretty well.

Now, after 2 times in the morning, it's pretty ok, only a bit of pain from time to time in my upper stomach, but I have reflux and I'm taking medicine for it, so this is it probably, especially that I'm bit anxious now so my stomach reminds me about it.

It's just the problem in my head, that I'm still thinking it's something worse than IBS, although I don't have any reason to think so.

12-08-12, 11:46
I am sure if your doctor thought it could be more than IBS he would have done more tests. from what you are describing it does sound like IBS.

12-08-12, 12:51
Hey there Vetussi,
As an actual Chrohn's Disease patient, Believe me, you'd know of you had it. And doc's wont mess around with that so I agree with Annie, if he thought it was more, he'd have a colonoscopy done as soon as possible. I am not going to go through my experience of symptoms because I don't want the anxious mind to start up any ideas :)
But I can assure you, what you are describing is definitely IBS or some other type of sensitive belly. And if it helps you at all, I have had Crohn's for 6 years, never needed surgery and haven't been on meds for it for the past 2 years. If you want to chat pm me, and please know that you are totally fine. Trust your doctor! :hugs:

12-08-12, 13:40
Thank you for your support :) I don't have anybody beside this forum, who'd take my worries seriously. My mom tells me to stop reading the internet and she's probably right. Even my doctor told me that i should stop googling when i saw her last time.

12-08-12, 13:55
We all make the mistake of googling! We need to trust our doctors :)

12-08-12, 14:02
I have the exact same as you, never had tests but was told basically its ibs. If im stressed it gets worse, usually in the mornings i would be running the the toilet, alot of trapped wind and bad pains. Pizza is def the worst for me. If i eat pizza i am gauranteed to wake up the next morning with really bad cramps. Any greasy food or caffine would make it worse.
But if i dont eat to badly and i am not stressed out then it can go away for months at a time....