View Full Version : Hi from my meds and .... me?

12-08-12, 13:56

just found this website a few days ago and think it is brilliant.
I am only half myself as I started End of July on 20mg fluoxetine and am at the same time on phenytoin and lamotrigine for my fairly well controlled epilepsy.

Brainfog is no word for it, people....
My AEDs (Anti Epileptic Drugs) leave me halfway myself anyway, but this takes the biscuit!
I am sticking with it although even my husband says to contact the doctor, because I am running into walls :wall: (not funny) and almost fell out of the top window whilst attempting to close it, :scared15:.
After reading some posts I decided to just stick with it no matter what and wait whether I can see a change in about 2 weeks time.
Gotta go now and prop my head up with pillows again for a while, it feels like it is going to fall off since yesterday.

Talk to you all later,
Thanks for having me.

12-08-12, 14:06
Hi indeed

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-08-12, 19:18
hi indeed welcome to NMP best wishes Denise xx:bighug1:

12-08-12, 20:04
Thank you Nicola and greenwood for your welcome!
I will pop in and out here depending how long I can hold my head straight - this dizziness is a pain, hope this will go soon.

12-08-12, 20:49
Hello and a warm :welcome: to both you and your meds!

I know you'll find it a real comfort on here to share your experiences with fellow sufferers - I certainly do.

I think what you're experiencing is the start-up effects of the ADs which are quite common. I know I got a really heavy headed feeling and felt quite dizzy and nauseous but it passed after a couple of weeks. I'm sure your GP will have checked carefully about any interactions with your epilepsy meds so stick to what he's recommended and, if it doesn't get better after a couple more weeks, go back and see him.

Take care and keep posting

Pip x