View Full Version : I'm new to site :)

12-08-12, 16:22
Firstly, looking at the amount of people posting in this thread every day I'm surprised, amazed, comforted(?) and scared by the amount of people suffering from similar problems I have!

I'm Chris, from NI and i'm 32. I've been going to doctors since I was about 20 trying to get help with anxiety problems and after 10 years fo being messed about by clueless GP's, I was finally diagnosed with social anxiety. As the doctors had done nothing for me for years I learnt all the usual avoidence techniques etc and got to a point were I couldn't do anything socially without alcohol or diaz (legal or illegal).
It came to a head a couple of years ago for me when the company I worked for closed down and I had to start interviewing for jobs again. As you can imagine this went very badly indeed lol; I am still working in a factory through an agency as no interview was necessary. Depression kicked in on top of my SA and my drinking and drug taking got worse as a result. With advice from my brother I started 20mg Citalopram about a year ago but just decided a couple of weeks ago to come off them. Although they were helpful they weren't solving the problem for me.
I was looking for other ways of self help and came across this site and hopefully I can use it to get ideas and help from other sufferers.

Sorry for such a long speel!

12-08-12, 16:33
Hi Christoff

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-08-12, 16:47
You have come to the right place, we could probably learn something from your experiences too.
I hope you find some answers.
