View Full Version : Butterflies in stomach

12-08-12, 17:43
So one of the main symptoms of my anxiety is getting butterflies or a fluttery feeling in my stomach. Does anyone have any ideas on how to reduce this? I think I would be able to cope with anxiety a lot better if I didn't get this, it's a constant reminder of how I feel.

12-08-12, 18:25
I read your other Thread about not being able to use the telephone, I suffer from Social Phobia aswell and can relate to that, the more you think that you can't use the phone the more anxiety you create about that situation and the more fear you feel, the same goes with the butterflies, the more you focus on them the more you will get that symptom.

When you get butterflies distract yourself by keeping busy, it will not go away instantly, but it will eventually.

You are going to have to force yourself to use the telephone, which is worse living with anxiety or phoning the doctor who may be able reduce your symptoms;
and being able to discuss the problems you are having will have an instant positive effect..........