View Full Version : Having a bad day :(

12-08-12, 18:10
Well I've been busy moving house and am probs very tired and I haven't had much to eat. But I keep getting a weird feeling in my head like I'm not really here and my hearing keeps going quiet and loud like I'm gonna faint I can't really explain but I'm so scared I was doing so well as well had a good few days and now this. I just feel like ringing an ambulance but am just about fighting the urge :(

12-08-12, 19:55
Try and relax have a bath and keep telling yourself it's all anxiety related xx

12-08-12, 20:12
I get that weird zoned out feeling in my head sometimes aswell. I know its hard but try to maybe get a good sleep and ignore it. The more you feed into it the worse youl feel. I usually try to distract myself when thats happening, like ring a friend and talk about something different.
The thing with ur ears i get all the time. The doctor says its pressure in my ears.
Also because you havent eaten enough could be why you are feeling all light headed etc but because your body has seen this as a symptom and now you are panicking thats why you are getting more symptoms. Like if i get a chest pain i start freaking and then my ears go weird and i feel zoned out etc. Try to take deep breathes, relax, eat some food and rest xx

12-08-12, 20:18
Moving house is stressful for most people so it is even more difficult for anxiety sufferers. You need to get some rest. Have a relaxing bath and some sleep and hopefully you will feel better tomorrow :hugs: x

13-08-12, 08:55
Thanks for the replies. I coped I just distracted myself as you said and had something to eat and forced myself to sleep. I have woke up felling much better as well :yesyes: I know I can handle it if only I yet only I could get it drummed in my head! X

13-08-12, 10:54
I know its so hard. I can feel ok and the second i get one symptom i just freak out again. Its really hard not to. Ive only joined this site and the main thing im trying to do atm is use this site instead of google x

13-08-12, 11:04
like Sheila says: stay away from google! its full of worse case scenarios! its not going to bring up realistic things !

13-08-12, 12:14

I used to get this all the time and I think other people on the forum have posted about it before.

I think it's called derealization and it's just a feeling that you are not really here and everything around you seems to be going on and you are almost in a dream like state.

It's a horrible feeling and used to really scare me I used to have a feeling like I had to run or just do something to snap my mind out of it.

It's actually really common, unfortuately the anxiety and panic that comes with it just makes it feel a lot worse.

I've suffered with it since a child and although I still get it from time to time it's really rare now, if it does happen I just sit and take lots of slow deep breaths and it seems to pass really quickly.

Hope you feel better soon.

13-08-12, 19:51
thanks people :) i just have good and bad days least i have good days whickis unlike what most people on here can say. Hopefully that means its going away slowly like! ijustwanna feel my normal self again :( x