View Full Version : long story panic

12-08-12, 21:00
Hi my name is april, i am 21 years old, over the past year i have suffered from anxiety in different ways. In april my step dad died of lung cancer and i found it terribly hard to cope. I began getting temple pressure and eye strain i went to various doctors and the hospital when i woke up feeling nauseous and awful. The woman at the hospital tested my heart and blood i was fine, she was going to give me an mri but a top neurologist said i would have more signs than just headaches.(this was months ago). The doctor told me to go to the opticians after i explained my eye pressure and temples. I had my eyes tested and it came back i needed glasses because my eyes weren't working great together. For a month or so i felt better. Mainly just had eye strain. Over the past month or two i have been getting stiff neck nausea after eating and in the mornings eye strain in right eye and noticed my right pupil is different from left. My leg on the right side feels as if its being squeezed but this comes and goes and my foot feels harder to walk on. I keep worrying i have a brain tumor, it all feels so real to me and i worry ill die. The things that worry me the most is that its in one side of the body and effecting one eye my pupil size and my leg. I am waiting for cbt atm. i need help and advice??

12-08-12, 21:10
Hi April, I think alot of your symptoms are caused by anxiety. From joining this site i have realised the effects that anxiety and stress has on the body.

I am sorry about your step dad, my mum had cancer 6 years ago and although she didnt die from it it still left me with this constant fear that something is going to happen me. The doctor said its very common for family of loved ones who have cancer to end up like this.

I too have been suffering headaches. My most recent one just went away a few days ago. It lasted over two weeks and i had myself totally convinced i was dying from a brain tumour. The pain was around my temple, betweeen my eyes and it felt like it was in my eyes. My eyes became sensitive to light and really hurt. I went to the optican and i did need the script in my glasses slightly changed. he wasnt sure if this was the cause of my pains or not as it was such a slight deterioration of my sight.

The doctor said the pains i was getting was from stress and tension causing tension headaches. she felt my back and said my muscles were very tight and that i would benefit from a massage. I got an indian head massage which made me feel a bit better straight away.

The more i worried about my headaches the more weird symptoms i would get. Like now i keep seeing flashes of light out of the sides of my eyes. I wake up at night with scary chest pains and pain shooting down my arm. I am trying to tell myself its just anxiety and not google it.

I know its hard not to think the worst but you are going through a very stressful time in your life at the minute and the stress can affect you in this way xx