23-07-06, 21:09
As I have mentioned before I have turned to organic eco living because what I have read has shocked me, I have read in many places that chemicals can cause anxiety.



23-07-06, 23:03
It's funny you posted this since I just found out that the drug I'm on to help ease my anxiety... it's first side effect is making people anxious or nervous.. go figure eh?


23-07-06, 23:12
We have to remember that we now live in a world when we are protected from everything and anything.

But look back to our ancestors. My nan is a ripe old 90 now and doing well.

Don't you feel sometimes that we are so wrapped in cotton wool that we bring a lot of this upon ourselves.

When we were kids we used to pick carrots out the ground and eat them there and then. Now we have to make sure they are organic and wash them thoroughly.

Eating worms never hurt me !

I think somethings are for the better but some are for the worse and by protecting us from things we are making the problem worse not better as we do not build an immune system.

Just my thoughts.


24-07-06, 08:11
Nicola I think is certainly the case when it comes to allergys but when it comes to chemicals the evidence is strong. As far as I am aware you can not build up immunity to chemicals because they are unatural synthetics....but Im not sure about this ?

My nan got womb and bladder cancer aged 45, the reason she got this was because she worked in a rubber factory for dunlop where they burnt plastics ect (only the men victims were consenpated).

Now today even we drink out of plastic cups and our flasks have plastic cup lids. The worst plastics are the thin ones like cling film.

As far as Im aware, our ancestors grew alot of there own food because they worked on the land as "husbandmans" (farmers) and chemicals werent used then.
I am 37 years old and I dont know if they used as many chemicals when i was a child ? does anyone know ?

Then the cosmetic industry added these preservatives to our soaps/shampoos/conditioner/make up/moisturiser not to mention all the cleaning products that carry a scull and cross bone on them.

Permanent hair dye carrys a risk of cancer due to the chemicals in it, they should have a warning on the box like ciggys.

I do know the skin does absorb things so what you put on does go in.

sorry to go on but i find it really interesting.


24-07-06, 09:48
mirry,this was my point on the allergy thread,too many chemicals are used they are in foods,the enviroment ect ect and i think thats why asthma ect is more widely diagnosed today.
The allergy thing is what i am saying with chemicals too,if i go near a household cleaner i have a reaction where as my heart rate sours,my body feels like its on fire,i have explosive runs and i go into a mad panic,then when the bad reaction calms down i end up with bad anxiety for a week or two.
I never had these reactions prior to seroxat use so it would explain that someone who is chemical sensitive has such a hard time on drugs as these are full of chemicals too.
These drugs do not suit everyone as some peeps are a lot more sensitive than others but docs see fit to just dish them out never mind the reactions your just told to give it time till they work,what that means is give it time till your body stops trying to reject it,like any allergy/sensitivity your body will eventually accept it

24-07-06, 09:51
we are being smothered by chemicals today and i think this also adds to what docs call anxiety/panic/depression,when they are just labels to pump out the drugs

24-07-06, 14:12

Ive always reacted to fairy washing up liquid in the past ,
also Ive had dermatitis on my scalp for 10 years but since using the organic non chemical shampoos for sensitive scalp I havent had a problem :D.......

Ive just ordered organic make up with out chemicals online and they were really good prices, I cleaned my windows with vinegar and they look great lol.


24-07-06, 17:21
yeah i have to find ways to get around what i can no longer use,iv learnt so much about all the crap i used to be able to use,so much it scares me.The only thing with organic is you pay more and is it actually pure??? they claim it is but im not so sure.
Tried the vinegar and my car windows remain streaky any other ideas? miss my perfume too

24-07-06, 22:12
Buxy I filled a spray bottle with 1/4 vinegar and the rest water,
I spray the windows then wipe off with one cloth and polish with another.

Funny you mention other ideas, tonight instead of using dishwasher tablets in my dishwasher ,I used neat vinegar and the end result was no different lol ( my hubby must think Im mad) but I am just cutting back on buying chemicals and using the saved money to buy organic food.

If you buy food from big stores that state its organic then generally it is,
sometimes you can see its organic by the way its smaller,
carrots look weedy, cucumbers are bumpy instead of smooth and the chicken portions are tiny in comparison.
If I cant buy organic then I just peel off the outer layers that would contain most of the chemicals.

Ive been chucking tea bags or coke down the loo to remove stubborn stains , using vinegar as a fabric conditioner in my washing machine.

ANy other tips welcome :D


25-07-06, 17:55
hey none at the mo but i aim to google up water just doesnt cut through them stubborn stains lol