View Full Version : Feeling very sad

12-08-12, 22:36
Feeling very low tonight, my husband received a phone call to say that his boss has died suddenly whilst on holiday with his family.

He was only in his forties and had a family with two children and he had a massive heart attack and just died. He was a lovely man, and really took care of himself, no health problems, not overweight, non smoker etc.

I don't know it just really puts things into perspective, I spend most of my life worrying about things I have no control over and then something like this happens and it has really started me thinking, what is the point?

I mean he had no health concerns took good care of himself and then just drops down dead whereas I spend my entire life worrying I've got some sort of cancer and yet these things can just happen at any point and it's not something we can ever control.

I just felt the need to post I'm hoping I can use this as a reminder that you really do just need to enjoy each day and live life to the full as none of us know what lies ahead.

I doubt it will make any difference just makes me angry that I waste so much of my life worrying about stuff I can't do anything about, :weep:

12-08-12, 22:39
I understand what you mean, my friend suddenly lost her husband also in his 40's. I am very sorry to hear that this has happened to your husbands boss. sending you :hugs::hugs:

12-08-12, 23:26
I understand that feeling even though im only 21. I think a lot of the time when something like that happens there is probably some kind of an irregularity that either wasn't checked out or looked for. Realistically I don't think a large part of the population has had an echocardiogram or a CT scan that could have shown such irregularities.

13-08-12, 12:45
i agree with you sometimes i feel so guilty worrying about my health when they are people out there dieing young and im wasting my life worrying about something i have no control over x

13-08-12, 21:28
Thanks for the responses guys, my poor hubby is so low he said it was awful in work today everyone was in tears as he was such a nice guy.

Life really is unfair sometimes.

I am definately going to try and use this when I have an anxiety attack, it really does prove life is too short and I'm going to really try and stop worrying so much about things I have no control over.

thanks again.

13-08-12, 21:32
It's so hard to have something so unexpected happen. When my mom got sick and passed away in a relatively short period of time, she told me that none of the worrying was worth it because it wouldn't have prevented what happened to her. Any number of tests, etc wouldn't have found it. Anyway the irony is her saying that before she died made my worry worse, hah. But it's true ... life is short and unpredictable so we should enjoy it as much as we can while we can.

I'm sorry about your loss, and hope your husband is doing as ok as he can.