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13-08-12, 02:25
Hi everyone - my name's Jon......

I have suffered from anxiety on and off for the past few years, have been okay for a while, but the last few weeks have been a living hell. My anxiety levels are very high almost 24/7, I want to cry, I can't eat and when I'm in the house I want to go out and when I'm out I just want to get back. It is draining every bit of enjoyment from my life and I find it hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I was physically sick this morning at the thought of trying to cope with another day.

My symptoms are a constant tightness in the chest, butterflies in the stomach, nausea and a total loss of appetite. I hide all this from my partner and try to appear normal, but it is becoming so hard. I am beginning to have bizarre thoughts which are hard to put into words - "what if this is how you are meant to feel and how you used to feel is just an illusion" - which is making tactics like diverting myself or 'accepting' my anxiety difficult because I have convinced myself that anxiety is reality. If that screwed up logic makes any sense at all.

My doctor tries to help, but is busy and chronic anxiety is difficult for them to deal with. I take citalopram (which I'm not sure does anything), have beta blockers which have no impact on the actual feelings and Diazepam 5mg which I generally avoid taking. Today though, I broke down and took 50mg (a MASSIVE dose for me) over the course of the day and the frightening thing was that it made only limited difference on my anxiety levels so I'm even beginning to lose faith in that and feel I have few tools in my armoury.

I do have a therapist who I see again on Friday, but Friday feels a long way away at the moment...

Sorry, I just wanted to share what I'm going through. My love and best wishes to everyone else who is suffering -


13-08-12, 02:49
Hi Jonz

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-08-12, 06:35
I am sorry to hear your anxiety level's are so high at the moment Jon. I hope that your therapist can help to reduce your symptoms. Talking to someone who understands is half the battle. Not sure about the Diazepam comment, did you take 5mg or 50mg.
I can relate to your symptoms, I have had them all at some point.
If you want to chat send me a PM and I will get back to you.

13-08-12, 10:55
Hi - yes it was 50mg (10 5mg over the course of the day). Worryingly, it didn't really have a huge impact on my anxiety, although I did sleep last night.

Okay... here goes another day... :weep:

I really hate feeling like this...

13-08-12, 11:38
Welcome to no more panic

13-08-12, 12:01
Thanks DarkKnight...

13-08-12, 12:50
Hi Jonz,

I know exactly how you feel. I have been experiencing a relapse with my anxiety since last week and every day is like a battle.
Hats off to you for being able to hide how you feel from your partner. There's not a chance that I could do that. You are very brave to be able to carry on as normal.
I too have those physical symptoms. Today started off very bad and I was really sick before I left for work. It's so horrible and I hate feeling like this.
I try to tell myself that it will pass and that I just need to relax but it is easier said than done as you will well know.

Take care of yourself x

13-08-12, 12:51
Hi Jonz, sorry to hear you are suffering so badly. I have also just joined this forum, and I can say I've suffered everything you're talking about. I started on Lustral (sertraline) antidepressants on friday for my anxiety/panic attacks/depression and although I'm having a really hard time of it, I know I'm doing the right thing. Going to the doctor and being honest with yourself and your partner or those around you is important because it is admitting there is a problem. Only then can you start to feel better about coming up with a solution and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. PM me if you want to talk, I know how you feel. There are some good books I've read and leaflets that helped me. And be persistent with you doctor, no doctor is too busy to help you. All the best.

13-08-12, 14:59
Thanks everyone - it's just good to know that the are lots of fellow sufferers out there. Well, I wish that there weren't - but you know what I mean! There are so many things that I need to do around the house at the moment, but I'm finding it so hard to face anything or get the motivation. Instead I'm just wallowing, which I know is bad for me.