View Full Version : Mmm any thoughts on agraphobia???

23-07-06, 23:07
hi everyone i recently lost my job so as a result spent last week at home and no panic attacks!!! had to go out yesterday only to one shop one person in front of me and bang full blown panic attack!!! felt anxious before i left home today other half suggested taking the dog to the beach tonight again i felt anxious at the thought of going out but i went and i was fine eventually! do you think this is agraphobia? i mean i always panic a bit when im out and there are certain places i cant go to alone but now im panicing at the thought of going out!!! any thoughts or ideas guys??? luv kaz x

23-07-06, 23:16

It is a vicious circle. If you don't go out and face it then you get worse.

The only way it will go is to go out and face it and accept it won't kill you and trust me it won't!

You will feel rubbish but nothing bad will happen. Keep doing it and as they say "practice makes perfect"

Good luck.


23-07-06, 23:38
When I first started having problems I was house-bound for several months. It gets boring fast and while it did make me feel safe it was depressing. It was hard to get out and about but it was necessary and with the right meds and the right therapy I was able to overcome my fears.

There are still things that make me feel anxious but whenever I feel afraid I look at how far I've come and draw strength from that.

It's going to be hard but I know you can do it. If there's someone you can go with that helps you feel safe, go with them. Do things in small steps and keep looking back at your achievements. Things will always look up, you may find yourself in a rut for a little while but as long as you keep at it you overcome your panic/anxiety.

Best of luck. You can do it! :)

24-07-06, 01:56

I was house bound for four years.. and while my attacks did subside a great deal it was a very lonely existence for me.. My ex husband thought I was faking it because I didn't want to go places.. his family stopped visiting or inviting me out to do things.. friends slowly made their distance till all I had left was my computer and online friends for any form of interaction..

Knowing all I know now I wish I could go back and do those 4 years over.. i would never have allowed myself to get that bad...But I gave into the fear.. I gave into the feelings that if I left the house I would panic and it slowly took away my life.. Please don't let this happen to you..

Even if it's just going out to the curb every day try to get out of the house for a little while.. being agoraphobic is so boring.. there's only so much TV you can watch and so many games you can play before all you really want to do is sleep all day.

I know it's tough I force myself every day to leave the room I'm sitting in and alot of times I really don't want to.. but I know if a day passes and I've hidden away it could be negative for me..

Good Luck and Goddess Bless

Sue K with 5
24-07-06, 02:38
Hi Kazzie

I have had agoraphobia for many years and I haver to agree with shadow, I am the one who allowed it to control my life and by not pushing myself and not fighting the fear I am now housebound but my advise is dont give in to those feelings

Fight them every damn inch of the way. You can do this and you can beat it.

Even I wont give in I m still determined and so must you be

Good luck

sue with 5


24-07-06, 08:37
When we look at panic and anxiety, we all avoid! so agoraohobia, in my view, doesnt mean avoidance. My OT also thinks agoraohobia means housebound or near to it. I think your caught up in a little set back, your in that viscious cycle now and constantly aware of it, on the look out to see if you will panic. Try distracting yourself for a few days and you'll not have as many of those "i cant go out, ill panic if i do" thoughts. do somethign you can really focus on 100%
I am agoraphobic, even though my OT saysi can drop the tag as i do go out on the fronts. But ill not drop it untill i can actually get into a shop, panic or no panic!
Becci x

24-07-06, 21:31
thanks everyone! im taking your advice and going out at least once a day! today ive been very depressed because ive been home alone but my son is here tommorow so hopefully it will be a bit better! hope you are all ok luv kaz x

24-07-06, 21:46
I think it's v important to go out every day, whether its to the end of the road and back, a drive to the next village or a quick walk around the village pond, it really doesn't matter as long as you are out. I'm in a big hole at the moment, boundaries came crashing in on me when the hot weather started and now I feel like I'm housebound. BUT, I'm fighting it and you have to fight it too. Keep going and all will be well. Hope you find another job soon, best wishes.

25-07-06, 00:04
I have been stuck in the house for six years because panic attacks have caused agraphobia and clastrophobia but i signed up for college a month ago and i was sick five times on the morning i had to go. I got through it and i start in Sept but going out is my biggest fear. When im in a car and we get stuck at traffic lights i have a full blown panic attack and also sometimes when people are talking to me i feel like im trapped and i start going dizzy and faint. My partners friend came to our house the other week and he stood over me while he was talking to me and it just freaked me out, i nearly pushed him out the way. He a nice man as well he didnt mean any harm but sometimes hes in your face when hes talking to you. Kazzie dont get like me and be stuck in for years, try going out everyday even if its for a little walk with your dog. Good luck for the future sweetheart
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

25-07-06, 08:48
Yes, it sounds like agoraphobia. You can have agoraphobia even if you don't avoid going out - it means that going out makes you panicky and that sounds like you (and me)!!! I also have panic attacks when I am in queues or at the till, once I shook so much I had to go outside and leave my shopping at the tesco checkout - so embarassing! (But I went back to get it which took a bit of courage)!!! Try not to avoid going out as this makes things worse, but don't force yourself when you are not up to it. I find it works best for me when I just 'get up and do it' rather than be told when I should do it, if you know what I mean. Good luck. [8D]