View Full Version : hello all

13-08-12, 10:03
:wacko: hello all just found this website why search for some thing else.

My names David, and ive been suffering with panic attacks and anxiety for around about a year now,

Its the worse thing ive ever felt in my life and for the past year has ruled my life, ive seen people from taking changes to try and help me but every thing in my life got a little out of control with moving home, death in the family so only got my first two sessions but after waiting list time tl get back on there books im seeing them again.

My first ever panic attack happened last year when I was 29 at work, I had no idea what was going on and it dropped me to the floor fort I was having a heart attack, I actually fort I was having a reaction to some pain killers the doctor had gave me as I had just had an accident at work couple weeks before.

Think tne first one lasted rather along time but happened close to the end of my shift so when I got home I phoned 111 who sent an ambulance for me, told them not to as I didnt want to go to hospital, sent one any way, but after sitting for 5 hours when i got there I just got a lift home as they didnt even take my name so figured it was not important and decided to just not take thepain killers no more.

Then a few days later i had another one so booked in to see my gp aand he told me stright away what it was and give me a list of books I cou,d read and sent me off to speakmto talking changes, at first I didnt beleave him didnt think it was possable for me suffer from som thing like that, been fighting it for months trying to deney that it could be right, then a few montns ago a lot happened at work at home all at tne same time and every little thing turned in to these huge problems from one of the kids being late to school to not knowing where some thing was to wanting to hurt the person I blame for all the stress that started itt all, I know ignoring it was wrong but I still now have told no one what wrong with me and if I feel stressed or upset or symptoms start I hide weartner it be in a loo or stand with my arms tight close to my body so people dont see the.excessive sweet under my arms.

So even if it was not on purpose im glade I found a website wih other people who have this and have delt with it.

Ty David

13-08-12, 10:14
Hi wilson1982d

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-08-12, 19:21
Hi David,

I know all about panic attacks..they came to me 5 years ago like a bolt from the blue..from what you say it sounds like stress is a big thing in your life..panic is never far from stress..the best advice I can give you while you are waiting to get back into therapy is read as much as you can about panic..understanding panic is the key to beating it..I know how real the feelings of dying are mid panic..but tell yourself this one thing ITS JUST A FEELING..it will never ever harm you.. never.. a really good book to read is called 'at last a life' by Paul David.. I bought it off ebay.. it's a pretty easy read...I'm not good at books lol.. but that book provided a turning point for me..after reading it I understood panic..I knew how it worked..it no longer held any fear for me..I went into a kinda 'bring it on' mode..anyway anything I can help with...any questions..feel free to ask me..all the very best in your recovery : )

13-08-12, 23:54

Vanilla Sky
13-08-12, 23:55
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: