View Full Version : Thinking too much

13-08-12, 10:29
I have put this in my diary but at the moment I dont feel too bad (4 weeks 5 days in) but the side effects hit me harder than I can say, the anxiety constantly there and very severe.

Today I feel ok but Im nervous about the anxiety coming back. When I get to the 6/8 weeks mark and the cit is working at full power (i dont think its kicked in yet as I cried all day yesterday) will it help me to stop constantly monitoring how Im feeling?

Its a new habit for me as I only had mild occasional anxiety before starting cit but it has smashed me to peices over the past 5 weeks and set me to monitoring my feelings all day long.

So will it help ease my fear of anxiety, when its working?


---------- Post added at 10:29 ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 ----------

and is this a commen thing with people?

13-08-12, 10:50
Hi hun, its really common when on the road to recovery constantly analysing how we're feeling, it drives me mad :mad: but hopefully when we build our confidence up again....the confidence that this damn anxiety zapped us off then it should start to get better xx

13-08-12, 11:03
yeah, it drives me crazy, I TRY not to think about it and analyse my feelings but its so hard not to isnt it?

how long have you been on the cit now? and what dose? Im nearly 5 weeks on 20ml and having bad side effects all the way, the day I can stop thinking about it I will have won, got some way to go though!

13-08-12, 11:13
Im not on cit im on venlafaxine but have took cit in the past and it was fab, gave me my life back but unfortunatly this time around it just didn't work :-(, the side effects can be pretty severe i remember them well but once there over you'll be flying high!! xx

13-08-12, 11:27
how come they didnt work for you this time? are your issues mild or bad, I feel for you. xx

This is my second time on the cit too, but the first time I was so phyically ill and the dr gave them to me to stop me worrying so much about the hospital procedures I was having etc. I remember having panic attacks at that time but I never put it down to the cit, just to my illness, I knew nothing then about ssris.

I hope they work for me this time round, I only had mild anxiety before going back on the cit so Im hopeful that they should work again.

is it anxiety or depression for you?

It feels sooo long to still be having side effects 5 weeks is a very long time when your feeling so so bad everyday but Im beginning to feel hope, at last. x

13-08-12, 11:32
Ive been on and off cit for 12 years for anxiety but i hit a particulary bad patch last sept and unfortunatly cit just didn't work for me which can be common if used before but i did have a good run on it on and off for them years so i can't complain and it really is a good anti anxiety med xx

13-08-12, 11:45
has the new drug started working for you yet? Its a hard struggle Nicola isnt it? did your side effects last a long time too? mine were so severe I thought I was going to be hospialised with them but week by week, (not day by day) they have started to decrease in strength, Im not there yet but I can feel that I may be soon.

Do you have diaz to get you through the worst times? Im gonna pick some up tomorrow.

13-08-12, 11:57
hi guys , want to know about side fx , on citalopram please , are they on starting the meds all the time or when used to it just a while after you take the pill that day , please help

13-08-12, 12:30
Hi shaun, when did you start taking? and on what dose? dont panic mate, were all in the boat

13-08-12, 14:45
hi iggy im on day 16 20 mg citalopram , its taking me down still and not up yet , just gotta keep going now :ohmy:

merlin 66
14-08-12, 08:36
Hi Iggy.
Can't talk long as I am off to work if I can muster up the will power to drag my self out of the house.
Constantly monitoring your feelings is very common. If you have a job with lots of other people around, it helps. I am a gardener so only get to talk to my self, so I know how bad it can get.
The words from Nicola are very good. Hopefully you will be feeling a lot better soon.
Take care :bighug1:

14-08-12, 12:19
Thanks Merlin, Im not up to going back to work yet, luckily (in a way) I work in education so have been off for the summer hols for the past 5 weeks, on the down side of course I have spent each day of my holiday wishing the time away and in a perpetual state of dread, terror and deep sorrow! GREAT!! LOL

I wont be going back though until I feel up to it, Ive been in my job for 7 years so I know I have a good amount of sick leave on full pay in the bank with them, gotta look after myself and get straight before starting a normal life again.

Good luck with what you decide to do, have you decided yet? are you gonna have the cit back again?

merlin 66
15-08-12, 13:29
In a dark place at the moment so not sure what I am doing yet :unsure:

15-08-12, 18:54
well mr merlin, what is the old saying? procrastination is the theif of time!

take action, grasp the nettle!

merlin 66
15-08-12, 19:09
I am a professional gardener and I know, if you grasp the nettle it bloody hurts. ..Ha Ha:D

15-08-12, 19:13
yes! exactly mr green and possibly magic fingers, it does hurt! but it doesnt hurt forever does it? looking at the nettle and KNOWING you need to grasp it, now thats torture!

besides, we will be your dock leaves. xx

merlin 66
15-08-12, 19:17
Did you study philosophy by any chance....:) if not you should have!
Anyway how are you today!

15-08-12, 19:27
lol, psychology and disability and complex and profound learning disabilities, thats my area!

How am I today? in a word mate SHIT!

These drugs have smashed me to bits but I have just taken my daily dose and that makes me 5 weeks and 1 day in so Im hoping beyond hope that I should start to see some beneficial effects soon, perhaps in the next week or 3...JESU 3 WEEKS!! AGGGHHH

I was thinking earlier in a diazepam fulled haze that the drs should give out a 6 week citalopram advent calander and with each tablet could be a lovely picture, one day you could have someone having a crazy panic attack, the next day some teeth firmly clenched together, and perhaps the next day someone drenched in sweat to depict the realities of taking it, and course it can all end in a smile, awe!

what do you think? i reckon i might be onto something!

anyhow stop beating around the bush! (not literally its your job i know) and decide what your gonna do!

merlin 66
15-08-12, 19:41
Like the advent calendar...Think you are definitely on to a winner there (seriously) they would sell loads of them in the nmp shop. There must be a crazy Graphic designer on the site some where I know. I used to be one.

Going to se a hypnotist probably. I saw her a couple of years ago and she helped a fair amount. Trying to stay off drugs for now as the last time i had them I had mixed results...Prozac nearly made me crazy (more than I was before anyway) and jump in front of a large large sharp lawnmower. Citalopram not too bad but bolloxed up my sex drive. Oh well can't have everything it all Ha Ha.:D

Hope you are wearing gloves ......(feeling shit).. sorry could not resist! x

15-08-12, 19:45
lol at your poor joke!!!!

at least your trying different things, is it depression for you mate or anxiety?

merlin 66
15-08-12, 19:53
Both... What fun. At least they can battle it out between themselves. May the best affliction win! Or may be they could kill each other. Now there's a thought!

Hows your anxiety today?

15-08-12, 19:58
its having a wonderful time tormenting me, i just wish these damn tablets would kick in, i mean, how much can a girl take???

im gonna give it till 8 weeks and if im still like this then theres gonna be trouble! grrrr

merlin 66
15-08-12, 20:02
I like your spirit. Keep with it. They always take a long time to kick in.
You will get there.
Have to go for now. Been trying to get on to chat room but my apple mac keeps crashing. (machines have problems too)ha ha

Take care x

15-08-12, 20:05
and you matey, speak again soon. x