View Full Version : funny head

13-08-12, 10:25
Iv been told iv got health anxiety, I get funny headaches but not painfull there really mild like some one has got there hand on my head i also get a fuzzy feeling. Last night i got strange ear feelings and like my head felt heavy when putting on my pillow that came and went and but i do have a tooth infection. I woke u 4 times in 6 hours and felt really rought this morning and fuzzy headed like a bad hangover. wish i could get brain tumour out my head i think about it at least 10 times aday and hate being on my own.
iv seen
2 doctors at hospital they said its anxiety
2 out of hours doctors they said the same
my doctor 4 times said the same
and i have the nhs direct on speed dial they say the same

just wish it would all stop and i could have my life back or i could belive what the doctors say and not doubt them

13-08-12, 10:50
Im the same all the time, i just dont believe the doctors when they tell me theres nothing wrong. I get that fuzzy feeling in my head and sometimes i feel all spaced out. It feels like my bodies there but my heads not. Its an awful feeling.
Its all anxiety related though,vicious circle and the more you worry the worse it gets. Try to trust theres nothing serious wrong, take comfort that othes here have the same thing and try not to google. Google is def my main problem atm.
Hve u antibiotics for ur tooth infection?

13-08-12, 11:08
I too have trouble trusting doctors! whenever i see mine I always say 'but on google it says doctors always misdiagnose this as that etc' and his reply is always ' well i get to look at the bigger picture...... not three key words.....' and he always says that when you hear hoofs outside your door an anxiety sufferer will think its a zebra.... the non anxious person will always say its a horse........ we need to stop expecting zebras outside our door and realise realistically its probably a horse! :)

13-08-12, 12:08
well just got back from the doctors and been told iv got a nasty middle ear infection on the same side as my tooth infection im really flapping now what if the next thing is a tumour im so scared its unreal. feel like my world is coming to a end

13-08-12, 12:16
I've got the same, really bad earache and headache. Going to the doctors this afternoon. I always trust my doctor though and rely on him to put my mind at rest.

13-08-12, 14:20
hi yer i have 500mg of amoxacillen iv just had a lie down feel little headed and got a pressure feeling accross my eye brow line is that due to a ear and tooth infection of the anxiety. i wish i could get the thought of cancer out my head its getting me down keep remembering what i looked at on google about tumour syptoms and it keeps winding me up even more.

15-08-12, 12:48
I have a fuzzy head to all the time...until im distracted, but as soon as i have nothing to do im worrying about my head, which probably explains it is just anxiety :(
Dont Worry plenty of us here have it to, and i hope we each find our own cures! xx