View Full Version : Starting lustral for the first time, scared.

13-08-12, 12:23
Hi everyone,

I am 26, and have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks and, looking back, what must have been moderate depression for about 10 years. I had a breakdown early last year when I had to take time off work. The panic attacks got so bad that I didn't feel safe in my own skin any more. I have always hated this constant theme of thinking that something bad is going to happen and that I won't be able to handle it. This theme has ruled my life, and subsequently ruined my quality of living. I was on beta blockers and sedatives for a little while, and I did CBT which helped. However, a year and a half later, now I am back in that dark place and it got to a point this week where I literally didn't know what to do any more. I took myself off to the doctor's and he has given me antidepressants. I know this is the only way forward, and I suppose I can take some comfort in the fact that I was strong enough to go and get this help. However; I am on day 4 of taking Lustral (sertraline) today and I am going through absolute hell. I am not sleeping, not eating properly, lost my appetite, feeling so unbelievably anxious and panicky, raised adrenaline and heartbeat, feeling and being sick, dizziness, terror, sweats and a weird tingling/warmth down my arms and hands. I have to assume these are all side affects, and that they won't be here forever. The next couple of weeks are going to be really hard, and I need some reassurance that this is just getting worse before it gets better and that these things are normal. The symptoms of these tablets are so bad that I want to stop taking them. But I know that's not the right thing to do.
Sorry this was such a long post, but I'm feeling so awful right now I wanted to see if others had felt the same. Thanks for looking.

13-08-12, 12:33
Hi workingthroughit

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.