View Full Version : i am petrified please help

13-08-12, 12:23
I was stood in the garden talking to my brother and I felt a palpitation, like the kind where your heart stops and you feel the tickle rising but this one didn't pass quick, it felt like 5 seconds, I felt for a beat but nothing, the feeling grew stronger until it went up to my head and I got an intense pain and in my other organs. My eyes started to black out, it felt like when you jump it fast but more intense and getting progressively worse.
Idk what it was, it was either what I say it was and something really horrificly wrong with me or it was an adrenaline hit from panicking about the palpitation?
Needless to say I am terrified, pacing, hand on heart praying it doesn't happen again. Any worse and I know I wouldve passed out. Scariest thing of my life.
Now ifeel weak and tickly in my chest and pains in belly, I had to immediately go to the toilet both ways. Now I feek like I am dying :( feel so odd and my arms are tingly and hurt but I am very tense.x

13-08-12, 12:27
This sounds like I felt when I went to the hospital for an appointment about my foot injury only I did pass out and it was after that when I started vomiting. They ended up doing heart tests and blood tests but everything came back normal so it was all put down to my anxiety. :hugs:

13-08-12, 12:39
Did u get the pain in your head? I feel awful now and so shook up and my head is hurting so bad but when it happened it was intense x

---------- Post added at 12:35 ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 ----------

I also feel I need to vomit :/

---------- Post added at 12:39 ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 ----------

My wjole insides r hurting n feel odd

13-08-12, 12:39
Yes I did get pain in my head, I had to stay laid down for a couple of hours, I really felt like I was going to die. The lack of oxygen from an anxiety attack makes your arms go tingly, I always get like 'pins and needles' in my arms. Try to lie down and rest, maybe have a little sleep if you can then you may feel better. If you are really worried you could get checked out by your GP to put your mind at rest but I am sure it is just anxiety. :hugs:

13-08-12, 12:45
I feel too physically odd and scared to rest :/
I have been consuming lots of alcohol over the weekend.
My head is killing and my eyes are blurry and odd, my skin feels weird but I know anxiety can cause lots x

13-08-12, 12:51
Lots of alcohol won't have helped your situation especially if you are also on medication. Try to take deep breaths in and let them out slowly and it might help you to calm down. Have you eaten this morning? If not you need to try to eat something (I know it is not easy to eat when you are anxious) :hugs:

13-08-12, 13:01
I'm having bites here n there now. I am so scared though. I feel like it is on the edge of happening again.
It felt like when u jump out of bed and you get pain and eye blackness which I heard was a blood pressure drop, my heart felt like it stopped so I'm guessing that would nake your bp drop and I think I almost died :/ but if I ws going to die wouldn't I just die? It felt like a skipped beat I usually grt but it lasted so long I worry that my organs were starvd of blood n started failing and that was the pain and faintness x

13-08-12, 13:09
If you don't have much to eat and you drink a lot of alcohol I guess that could lower your blood pressure and it would make you feel dizzy. Try to eat and rest and if you don't feel any better call to speak to your GP or NHS help line then at least they can put your mind to rest. I am sure you just need to eat and rest though.

13-08-12, 13:16
Yeah, I guess alcohol and lack of food can do that but it was the scariest thing I have ever experienced and it felt like dying :( I felt like I was a second away from death my body was giving up it felt.
I am agorophobic so I can't go gp. I will see how I feel as dr's scare me but I do feel so awful :( everything feels odd and warm or cold and tingly or tight or ugh :( horrible. I'm still dizzy and feel drunk x

---------- Post added at 13:16 ---------- Previous post was at 13:14 ----------

My right eye is twitching like mad :/// ty for your replies x

13-08-12, 13:19
It was a very scary feeling for you which will have made you panic more. Have something to eat, put some relaxing music on and lie down to try to rest. I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

13-08-12, 13:26
It is so scary when something like this happens isnt it. It freaks you out and puts your mind on high alert so you notice everything that happens. I am sure it is just anxiety. It can bug you so much when you get strange things like this when you dont even feel like you are anxious. I get alot of my symptoms when i am most calm. I get heart palpitations alot, a few weeks ago i woke up at night with really scary pains in my heart. Its all been put down to anxiety but ive never had my heart checked.
The worst thing ive ever got is like a jolt that shoots through my body. It feels like it comes from my heart then shoots down my arms and legs. I told the doctor and he just said ' thats strange' and that was it :shrug:
Sometimes i feel like the doctor sees me coming and just puts it all down to anxiety. That in turn makes you feel even more anxious though! Its a vicious circle aint it :wacko:

13-08-12, 13:41
So tempted to just get drunk I cannot calm down about it I'm so worried :(

---------- Post added at 13:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:33 ----------

Yes it is horrible and I feel like my dr would be the same :(

---------- Post added at 13:41 ---------- Previous post was at 13:35 ----------

Everytime I bend down or do anything I get the headrush and eye blurring like when u jump up fast :s

13-08-12, 14:00
Hi Midnight Calm,

Missed heartbeats and sudden bouts of palpitations are scary, but are usually a sign of anxiety, not that your heart is suddenly going to stop beating.

Hearts are programmed to keep beating, no matter what. I know it sounds a bit gory, but if you cut the heart out of a living animal, it will keep beating until it runs out of oxygen.

There are non-anxiety related heart rhythm conditions which need to be checked out by a doctor - mostly affecting people over 50. They can be quickly diagnosed by a computerised electrocardiogram and treatment is available and effective.

13-08-12, 15:24
I had an ecg 2 years ago they said it was fine. It's just this one time it wasn't like the rest.
Palpitations had never really scared me, I'd learnt to live with them but this one was like the feeling of a palpitation but it never came so it was like my heart had stopped and I.presumed the pain I was getting was cause I was dying :/

---------- Post added at 14:26 ---------- Previous post was at 14:03 ----------

I just feel so weak and warm/cold, scared now. And lonely. I told my mother who I live with and her and her bf laughed and said I shouldve done something like drama with my life as I've always been over the top. I was scared and they said that. If I dropped dead would they just applaud me for good acting? :s hm x

---------- Post added at 15:24 ---------- Previous post was at 14:26 ----------

How bad have peoples heart palpitations/skipped beats been??

13-08-12, 17:04
you poor thing but if you think about it if your heart had stopped you would be dead.try to stop fretting hard as it may be.

13-08-12, 17:36
Thanks for your concern. Yeah I know that I just think I may have almost passed out from the head rush. Blacking out eyes and head pain which scares me.
Right now I'm lay in bed but I'm still a little worried and my heart seems to be eratic, fast and hard for ages then okay but still feels like I could have another :/ x

13-08-12, 20:29
I get heart palpitations and chest pains. Ive had chest pains all day today and i feel like crying. I had over a week without any pains and now its all started again. Last time i went to the doctor she said my blood pressure was high and she put me on betta blockers. But ive never even had my heart properly checked and i think thats why im starting to get scared now :wacko:

13-08-12, 20:53
I had an ecg, the nurse said my oxgen levels were 100 percent, put the pads on me and the dr just said I was tachycardic and that was the only problem but that could be from my anxiety. I have been given beta blockers for the anxiety and I know they'd help my blood pressure because that's high too but now I'm especially worried about taking then incase they influence my heart to do something like that again.
I've always had palpitation, whenever I tell my friends they say they've never had them :s x

14-08-12, 11:04
I feel like crap today (I always feel like crap one way or another) woke up with a massive headache and neckache and got woke up with racing heart a lot :/
So scared for what happened yesterday happening againz, I don't know what I would do :( if it was any worse I would have hit the floor, it was terrible.
Now I feel even more agrophobic, I was walking the dogs and going around the area (having to come back mst of the time in a panic but still) now I am petrified of that happening so won't move off bed or do exercise or influence a reoccurance :( x

14-08-12, 11:08
Hi Midnight Calm,

Beta blockers are also used to calm the heart in cases of palpitations and tachycardia, so they are not bad to take.

They won't stop your heart, because they only act by blocking the effects of adrenaline, which may be released if you are suffering from stress or anxiety.

Be careful if you stop taking them suddenly. You can get rebound effects, including tachycardia.

14-08-12, 11:14
I have 80mg slow release but I am too scared to take them, betablockers, especially after yday :( I know I should take them but my friend had thwm and said she preferred the anxiety to the side effects x

14-08-12, 11:30
I have 80mg slow release but I am too scared to take them, betablockers, especially after yday :( I know I should take them but my friend had thwm and said she preferred the anxiety to the side effects x

Have you tried sking your GP if there is any alternative to beta blockers,i initailly asked my GP for beta blockers but he said Citalopram would be a lot better,perhaps your GP could also offer an aternative after all if you are being prescribed medicine that you cannot take,it will not be doing you much good either.

There are all sorts of things you GP can prescribe you do not have to put up with the anxiety that is blighting your life.

All the best Richard.

14-08-12, 20:45
I'd be scared to take anything they give me :/
I'm just lay in bed trying to relax but everything hurts :( x

14-08-12, 21:04
I would recommend staying clear of alcohol for a while until you feel that you can soldier it again. A lot of people have this kind of attack of anxiety due to drinking, excessive alcohol was what started my anxiety and panic attacks at just 14 years old. See a doctor to make sure it's nothing serious and try to maintain a healthy life style for a while until you feel a little braver.