View Full Version : Just introducing myself :-)

13-08-12, 13:20
Hi everyone, just saying hello :-)

A quick run-down of my situation:
I've always had occasional panic attacks, but over the last year this spiralled into near-constant anxiety, panic attacks on public transport and even walking near my home. I think it may all have been triggered initially by the hormonal contraceptive implant I had, and having the implant out has seemed to help but now I am still struggling with anxiety, depersonalisation/derealisation and depression. My friends and family are really supportive but I think they are scared by some of the symptoms I report :-S So I'm hoping that by joining NMP I can feel a bit less crazy and alone...

Well, that's about it! I'm looking forward to posting and meeting you guys.

13-08-12, 13:28
Hi Athena,

A big welcome. It's great that you have made this step.

Don't be afraid to talk about your symptoms here. You are sure to find people who have had something similar.

Take care.


13-08-12, 13:30
Hi athena_115

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-08-12, 14:39
hi athena, i just wanted to say that i really relate to those feelings of unreality, it is freaky, esp when driving, its like things aren't quite real anymore. Feels like i'm going actually clinically insane, like i'm in lala land.
Apparently its all normal though, and we're not going nuts. Just wanted to say that :)

13-08-12, 15:28
thanks for the replies :-)

Hanshan, thank you for your words of welcome! It's really nice to have a place where people understand the weird symptoms etc.

Dave, thanks for saying you relate about the feelings of unreality. For me that is one of the worst symptoms - I can be having a conversation with someone or walking down the street and I feel as if I'm just watching it all happening, and then start thinking 'is this real? am I real?' and it all goes downhill from there :wacko: I've read that it's 'normal' for anxiety, but it's still hard not to freak out about it, I find!

13-08-12, 16:01
Hi Athena, welcome to the site, you are not alone in what you are feeling everyone is really friendly here

24-08-12, 08:34
Hi Athena,

i have the same symptoms too. fear and panic all the time especially at public places. we are not looney but it's something to do with the neutotransmitter in our brain which are sending wrong signals to us that put us under fear all the time. professional help is a must i.e. seeing a psychologist and having medication. im currently under medication for 6 months now. it helps. sleep is very very important as the more rest u get the fresher u will be and if the anxiety interferes with ur sleep, u nd medication such as anti-depressant.

one more thing, u r not crazy or looney. it's a disorder that can be treated.

All the best and God Bless!

24-08-12, 20:05
Welcome to the forums. I've had derealisation in the past as well, although it's not one of my current symptoms. I understand how horrible it is as it makes you feel like the world isn't real, and everything feels dreamlike.

24-08-12, 21:33
Hi Aneta
Hope you week has been better, am new too so hopefully we can all help each other