View Full Version : looking for help

13-08-12, 23:04
I am 42 year old husband and father of 2. 3 weeks ago I was doing my usual workout, but got overheated, dizzy and most likely had panic attack. I will say that 7 years ago I experienced something similar. For months following that event I experienced overwhelming fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, point tenderness. I went to every doctor, had every test you can imagine. I was put on Paxil and eventually improved. There I stayed for six years.

Because I began to feel so dead on that drug, I weaned off it over a 6 month period. Then the event of 3 weeks ago. I started buspar, which doesn't seem to help. I am convinced that this time around I have a terminal illness. Why do I still have fatigue, nausea,chest tenderness without "feeling " anxious. I am on low dose xanax and I don 't think buspar is helping my preoccupations with dying. Shouldn't the physical symptoms go away whennthe anxiety goes away? I am still so fatigued and worried. Not anxious though. I guess that 's the weird thing. Being worried, but not feeling anxious. How can symptoms persist with normal heart rate, etc. I am worried that I may have something terminal and leave my kids fatherless. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Vanilla Sky
13-08-12, 23:52
If we have children , I think that is one of the worst fears anxiety brings. And also when you say that your convinced you have an illness, thats classic health anxiety. I never felt anxious all the time but it was always simmering underneath. Your work out obviously triggered something off again but it does not mean that you are back at the start again. You are stronger mentally this time , you have experience of anxiety so you need to keep telling yourself that you have just had a "blip" and you will get through it . Give yourself time and see how you feel in a few weeks . You do have to be feeling anxious to have symptoms and obviously something is going on because its taken you to thinking you are ill. Take care of yourself , dont overdo it , eat good , keep hydrated and get sleep. Try to relax, walking is also good .

14-08-12, 03:31
Thank you for your encouragement. If only this fatigue would resolve. Do you or anyone else have experience with prolonged fatigue and muscle soreness weeks after anxiety attack? It 's difficult to deal with. Hard to get up and go for work, then come home and spend time with my family. I 'm trying to trust God.

14-08-12, 08:36
Hi.. I competely agree with Vanilla Sky with regard to children. I suffer anxiety and the only thing I think about is something happening to me and leaving my babies.

As you have said you improved once you were on medication and it was when you came off that things started up again which says to me it's anxiety related. Regarding the muscle soreness etc, I have been convinced I have something sinister as I have suffered bad back pain, buttock pain, leg pain/weakness and arm pain for months, some days I am so tired and feel like I dont have the energy for anything. Once I am out and about and not thinking it seems to ease off, only to return again later.

I had a talk with myself recently because I was getting in a state over it all. It's not fair to my children when their mum is so consumed with fear (trying to hide it from them of course but mind always elsewhere) so everytime I have felt the fear creeping in I have jumped up and taken my son to the park or got busy so I dont go into a full blown panic/anxiety attack. I've been much better the past week or so, probably a temporary thing but it's given me a break at least lol. Hate, hate, hate anxiety, it's pure evil :-(

Sorry for waffling, was just trying to show you that you are not alone. I really hope things improve soon. Take care x

14-08-12, 18:56
Hi, yes I agree that this anxiety can be debilitating. Of course these symptoms going on day after day lead to depression which is one more thing sapping my life energy. My kids are so full of joy and energy, and I am so guilty for not joining in with them. Today, much of my physical symptoms have subsided, but I am preparing for another barrage of anxiety. Ridiculous, I know, but my reality.

14-08-12, 19:12
I think I jinxed myself saying I had been feeling better, feeling anxious again this evening and all the pains are back. Oh the joys. Wish it would just sod off for all of us on here.