View Full Version : Heart rate

14-08-12, 01:39
I've been taking clomipramine ( 20 mg ) for three weeks now and although my anxiety is subsiding gradually I have a constant high heart rate, I'm quite fit so usually it's around 60bpm, now it's consistently above 80 ( resting ) even when I'm calm I can feel my heart beat through my hands/head, it's a strange sensation, is this cause for concern or is it a known side effect of my medication, really starting to worry again :( thanks

14-08-12, 02:32
Well 80 beats per minute is a very normal resting heart rate and nothing out of the usual. Mine is usually around that too and my heart is fine. Although, if you feel like it is different and it is worrying you, then contact your doctor and see what he/she thinks :) as I said it's a normal heart rate, but can be a serious side effect if it gets really high. It may be completely safe if it is a benign effect, but obviously you should check it out with a health professional if you feel like your pill is giving you this side effect, just to avoid anything dangerous.

But saying that, have you read the instruction thingy that comes with it? Normally it will say side effects in that so you can have a read.

Also, have you thought that it could be your anxiety causing the increased heart rate? My heart rate has been as high as 160 for as long as five hours during a panic attack where I went to A&E.

I really suggesting ringing NHS direct if you live in the UK. They are a service obviously run by the NHS, where you ring up concerning your symptoms and they will put you through to a nurse to speak to. I think you should do this asap to ask if this is a common symptom or whether you should discontinue the use of the clomipramine and see your doctor for another anti-depressant (has your doctor given you SSRI's which are safer? e.g citalopram)

Feel free to PM if you want more help or anything like that.