View Full Version : GP's and Health Anxiety

Harrison Chase
14-08-12, 10:46
I'm trying to work out whether or not to make another appointment with my GP.

I have had IBS-type symptoms for a month . ( Well pains, cramps etc - much more minor symptoms I couldve had for years thinking about it ).

I have seen six GP's and one drop-in centre nurse in the last month.

My blood test results came back normal . The Dr said ' It's probably IBS or something else non-serious ' . I still keep worrying its something more . I don't know whether to push for more tests or whether I'm just being paranoid?.

I'm well aware it's a classic sign of HA and I don't want to create a ' Oh no , it's him again ' situation.

Should I just trust what he said?. I think they had nine things ( like 3 letter abbreviations ) that they checked for , also a stool sample that came back fine.

14-08-12, 10:58
i would go back does the doctor know about your h/a. I have bad h/a started with a bad tooth then i thourght i had chest cancer then a brain tumour Iv been to loads of doctors and rang nhs direct loads of times in the end they all say its H/A but my doctor sees me ever wednesday and talks to me and is tryin to help me out as councelling has a long wait at moment. The more you think about the problem the more syptoms we all get it really crule

Harrison Chase
14-08-12, 11:26
I am currently undergoing CBT for H.A. and OCD .

If I knew it was just IBS with H.A. , I would calm down.

My main problem is trusting the Doctors that I haven't got anything sinister , purely on blood tests / stool sample . Maybe irrational ?.

16-08-12, 11:49
Do ur symptoms flare up when ur stressed? I hve ibs symtoms but never actually been sent for tests to confirm it. If im stressed or worried i get worse. Running to the toilet, trapped wind, bad cramps etc. Mines worse in the morning. Is this what urs is like and if u arent worried/stressed etc does it calm down?

Harrison Chase
16-08-12, 12:36
Yes , symptoms get worse if I'm stressed . I've been stressed for about the last year over different stuff , some ridiculous ( like whether my ticket was going to turn up for a festival ). I've had some symptoms for quite a while but the trapped wind , cramps , backache came on recently.

I've changed my diet since the weekend and cut out alcohol , caffeine and a few other bits . Already starting to feel a bit better .

I could probably cope with IBS if only I could get out of my head more sinister things . My Doctors don't seem worried though .

16-08-12, 13:45
Id say it is ibs hun. Ive strarted drinkin caffine free tea now as it was making me worse. I bet when u r less stressed the symptoms will subside. I def wudnt worry its serious though, its the same as what i have and the docs not worried either. Buscopans really good for the cramps x

Harrison Chase
16-08-12, 14:58
Cheers Sheila .
I might go back to my GP tomorrow though , I'm getting a burning pain down both sides of my abdomen and keep burping a lot. I can't help thinking something else is going on.

16-08-12, 18:20
Thats prob reflux i get that aswell. Dont panic hun. U get chest pains? I get alot of burping, burning etc i take omeprazole and it really keeps my symptoms at bay xx

Harrison Chase
17-08-12, 10:57
Ive got a Drs appoinment again today . Im hoping to make some headway . Im thinking I may need some anti anxiety medication.
I want to start living my life again , the last month has been hell.
The CBT helps to a certain extent but I feel I need something more .

17-08-12, 11:05
i hope the doctor helps u, let us know how it goes x

Harrison Chase
17-08-12, 17:20
The Doctor said I might have an infection and gave me some meds for that. He then basically told me to stop worrying so much .

17-08-12, 17:25
these docs make me sick stop worrying how when u suffer from anxiety which makes u worry