View Full Version : Other people being ill

24-07-06, 10:25

Not only do I worry when I think I might have something terrible, I project that onto other people around me too! I am struggling at the moment because my brother (19) has come to stay for the week, and when we picked him up, he said that he didn't feel very well. We put it down to exhaustion and dehydration, so fed and watered him and put him to bed, as it were.

This morning I go to wake him up and he tells me that he's been up all night in the bathroom with dicky tummy - my biggest fear is people being sick, and now I have him in my house for a week with a sick bug. I feel so bad that I feel panicky and that I shouldn't because I should be caring for him. Not only does he have a bug, but my dad has got the same thing, and I still have worse to deal with. Just feel that I can't cope because of the fear that he might throw up and I have to hear it, or deal with it. Coupled with that is the fear that he has something really serious and will need to be hospitalised (from my previous post, you may remember that I HATE hospitals, seem worse when you are not even sick), and as I have the car, I have to deal with it. My husband has been really great, but I can't help feeling on my own with this.

And finally, (sorry this is so long), I am now worrying that my husband and I will come down with the same thing as we are all sharing a bathroom and kitchen this week. Looks like I will be bleaching for England!

Sorry this is so long, I hope that someone can understand what I am feeling and tell me its going to be ok - seems to mean more when people who have been there can say it!


Di x

24-07-06, 10:44
I can totally relate to you. I had my brother live with me for a few months a while back & he would come home drunk & throw up, freaked me out, i get rapid heart beat, upset stomach if someones ill. Its called Emetaphobic (sp) i think, or something like that. Fear of vomiting or other people vomiting. Its totally awful isnt it! I was so glad when he moved out.
Since ive had my kids ive been better but still panic inside if they get ill, which touch wood, is rare.
I dont know what you can do about it either. I had a tummy bug a couple of years back & to be honest it wasnt as bad as i had always envisaged. I do think the reality isnt as bad as the worrying beforehand.
Your bro might of eating something, in which case you're unlikely to have any probs hun.
Caz xxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!