View Full Version : Breathless, chest pain and hoarse voice

14-08-12, 14:59
So I am a long time HA sufferer, male, 42, quit smoking about 6 weeks ago and not on meds. I also suffer from GERD and IBS. I have also had lots of sinus issues (nasal polyps etc.)

For months I have been having hoarseness in my voice that has not been causing . For the last couple of weeks I have been having a feeling like I am short on breath when talking but not when exercising. I have chest pain a little bit but not sharp pain. I exercise 5 or 6 times a week, mostly running and swimming and may have some mild chest pain but not shortness of breath. I just fear the big C in my lungs or throat.

I was doing so well for months but I am falling apart at the moment. I am having trouble sleeping and I think I am drinking more than I should.

As many people do on this site, I struggle with perspective on my symptoms. I know that chest pain and hoarseness can be symptoms of C but are they early symptoms or late? Are they constant or recurring? Anyway, if anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it.


14-08-12, 15:29
hi i had these syptoms 2 weeks ago then suddenly i was panting over the bed trying to catch my breath i went to hospital i had bloods done had a ecg done and then they said they wanted to do an xray i started walking down to the xray room with the doctor all i could think was what if there is something there and i fell to the floor in another panic attack. Any way to cut the story short it turned out ok i was all clear and felt like a right idiot. I then had a bad time with head pains like a tightness and could sleep i worked my self up to think it was a tumour and it just got worse i asked doctor for a ct scan he said no as what i was having experiancing was not brain tumour signs and that its a risk to give you a ct due to radiation levels. now im a little chilled out still get head feelings and stuff but put it down to stress

15-08-12, 09:53
These things could also be because you recently quit smoking. Things tend to feel worse before they get better. Well done BTW x

15-08-12, 23:03
Hi there

I gave up smoking a month ago today and I also have the hoarse throat.

I posted on here and have been told it's a common side effect that can last up to three months and is caused by the lining of the throat renewing itself.

I also feel totally cr*p in general, my hair is dull, my skin is greasy, I've got wind and am constipated! I've had some chest pain, although not severe and on 3 or 4 mornings have woken up feeling wheezy and breathless.

I too was worried at first but I really think it's our bodies readjusting to not smoking.

There are some excellent giving up smoking forums that might just help put your mind at rest.

Let's hope we both feel better soon!
