View Full Version : HELP!! Has anyone failed a visual fields test on their eyes???

14-08-12, 16:09
UGHHHHH i worrying so much now!!! Im sweating so bad and feel like im going to throw up!!

Basically ive been getting bad headaches, went to the doctor and he checked my eyes out and said they looked healthy. He asked me to go back today to get a visual fields test. This tests the vision on the outside of your eyes.

I stupidly decided to google it before i went. It said that this test can tell abnormalities in the brain, brain tumours etc.

I had the test and failed it in my left eye. They flashed lights and i could hardly see and of them out of my left eye. They said to come back and try it again tomorrow.

So now ive came home and put it in google and the first thing i see is a woman who said the same happened her and she had to get an MRI done the next day and she had a brain tumour.

PLEASE can anyone tell me im freaking out over nothing. Does anyone know anything about this at all????

Im litereally shaking and wretching ive got myself so worked up :weep:

14-08-12, 17:30
Just to say I failed my visual field test twice :scared15:

I too panicked and thought the worst but went back a week later and I passed. Not sure if it is true or not but I was told something simple like being tired can have a negative effect on the test.

I am not going to say don't worry about it but at least you are going back tomorrow, I had to wait over a week!

Dr Google is not your friend and can't take the place of a qualified person.


edited to say that I was extremely tired the day I took the first two tests but not when I took the third a week later.

14-08-12, 18:49
Thanks for replying. I have myself convinced i have a brain tumour now. Im in a mess. Im soooooo frightened. I passed it in my right eye but i seriously dont think im going to pass it in my left eye. I couldnt see hardly any of the lights.I just feel sick. My mums friend had it done and was told she'd need a brain scan if she failed again. What if i fail it tomorrow and i need an MRI. The thought is making me near take a panic attack. I seriously cant stop thinking the worst....

14-08-12, 19:11
HI remember the other day you had the same syptoms as me iv been the opticions and they taken photos of back of eyes had a full eye test and looked in them with a bright light and everything was fine. You also said your up most nights and that will impact your test brain tumours are rare just remeber that if you put anxiety syptoms in google there is a site with over a 100 symptoms are you will find loads to do with eyes. Just try and relax breath steady.

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

Google nhs choices hun there are syptoms of tumours on there im only really using tha site now as you know were you stand with it

14-08-12, 19:25
Thanks :)

Yeah i had a bads nights sleep last night and chances are i will again tonight worrying about this lol.

I had the full eye test and they looked in back of eye etc and all was good. Then he said hed send me for this test and now ive failed it. I really cant see me passing it tomorrow. I cant stop crying, i seriously think im gunna be sent for a brain scan and that really will scare me.
I just really hope i pass this tomorrow or i dont know what il do.....

---------- Post added at 19:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:23 ----------

I tried to ring the doc to book a call and to ask their opinion but it was too late to get a call and they are closed tomorrow :(

14-08-12, 19:30
i was told by the optician and my doctor the only way they can tell through the eye is if they see a purpel shadow wich means there is pressure from the head but even if there is pressure dont mean its a tumour does it. How long ago did you have your eye test i had mine last week but i know why you feel the way you do if you want to email me for support feel free its mpm@engineer.com

14-08-12, 19:34
you mean by looking into the eye?? The doctor tried to tell me not to worry aswell because the optican looked into my eye and he would have seen if something is wrong. My eye test was just over a week ago aswell. I wish i never had this stupid visual fields done now :shrug:

14-08-12, 19:40
PLEASE TRY AND CALM DOWN. i spoke to my doctor and he went through everything and you have not had a stroke or seizure have you ? some of the things you read on google should be banned iv been to my docs panackin and we have some of the same syptoms he said 100% i dont have a tumour and would he really risk him job and living just to be wrong. try having a bath with some t light candels and listen to some music and get your fella to give you loads of hugs

---------- Post added at 19:40 ---------- Previous post was at 19:36 ----------

just rest your eyes have you got piritin or hayfever pills they always help me sleep hun take 2 a hour before bed thats what the doc told me and it works and i think if the there was something to worry about the optician would of told you and yes i was told they would see purpel shadows at the back of your eyes from the pressure like i said if you need to talk you know were i am hun

14-08-12, 19:56
i know i should calm down, but seriously if you google it u realize you dont need symptoms. Im sooooo scared, i hope youre right. Like you said the doctor always tells us we are ok and its just anxiety. He never says get a visual fields test to check your outside vision??
The doctor said to me it was tension headaches (which i believe cuz the pains went away)
It was the optican who decided to do this test and i really wish he didnt :mad: I hate the stress i put myself under.
Thanks, i am going to have a bath and try and forget about it lol. But you really cant and google is too easy to pass the time on.
lol my husband must think im nuts. I was crying my eyes out earlier and he was like 'you wont have a brain tumour' but i always just say you dont know that. He must be sick of me crying that i think ive a serious illness.
People who dont go through it really cant understand :lac:

---------- Post added at 19:56 ---------- Previous post was at 19:55 ----------

thanks by the way :)

14-08-12, 20:12
i know my wife is the same she is sick of hearing me saying iv got a tumour and it prob is tension headaches you have had me and my wife know some one who has had them for two full years. when i had a field test i had to lookin to a mechine and press a buzzer evertime something moved i had a huge light shone in my eye had photo of the back of my eyes and she looked in that hand light thing they used. what are you full syptoms of the anxiety and i was also told of loads of doctors that headaches are rare with brain tumours you get the other syptoms first

14-08-12, 20:34
My main symptoms are the chest pains, headaches, ibs etc. The anxiety symptoms arent as bad as they used to be actually. But the health anxiety has got real bad. It started when i was 14 and my dad died. I started to get a fear of death etc and then when i was 19 and pregnant with my first son my mum got breast cancer. I freaked out thinking my mum would die. It left me with this severe health anxiety. My mum has been ok thank god.
My second pregnancy was awful and it left me with really bad panic attacks. Thats when i literally thought i must be about to have a nervous breakdown. I kept getting weird sensations in my head, fuzzy feelings, feeling like my body was their but my head wasnt. Scared the crap outta me.
Ive had therapy for the panic attacks and thats been brill. I dont really get them at all anymore and if i feel one coming on i dont get scared cuz ive learnt theres nothing to fear.
But ive never really even discussed with my doctor the constant health anxiety and how bad it really is. Some friends know but they just dont get it. They just laugh and say stop worrying ur being silly. Or the worst comment of all ' you're going to give yourself cancer if you keep worrying!!!!' frig i hate that one, it makes me feel so much worse!!!
Do you've kids? Ive 2 boys and im the same anytime they are ill. I had a recent scare with my youngest when he had a few episodes of hallucinating. I hate him dead and buried in my head, it was awful. Sometimes my brain runs away and it wont stop. The constant morbid thoughts drive me mad!

---------- Post added at 20:34 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ----------

had him**

15-08-12, 15:10
Grrr the opticans phoned earlier and said they had to cancel the app until tomorrow cuz the lady that does it was off. I had a crap night last night and just wantd it out of the way.

The doctors i open tomorow so il book a phonecall if i fail the test and see what they say