View Full Version : Hello there!

14-08-12, 18:06
Hi all :blush:

I'm new. I started taking AD's 3 weeks ago for my anxiety. I think I have always suffered with underlying anxiety, I've always been someone who worries and over thinks things and I've always had low self esteem and very little confidence.

My anxiety has gone absolutely haywire ever since I moved to London (from Norwich - a much smaller city) about 2 years ago. Before I moved here I definitely had my anxiety under control, I was happy and I was fairly confident (for me.) Now 2 years on I am a nervous wreck, I am overly emotional and I cry a lot. I worry a lot about transport: going on trains, planes and even in cars. I worry that there is going to be a crash and I even make sure I sit at the back of the train as its supposed to be the safest. The worst panic attack I ever had however was when my partner and I lived in a flat on the 12th floor for around 4 months, we had to move because my fear that the tower block would either fall down or burn down was so great, I barely slept for 4 months, I was on edge all the time and would permanently grit and grind my teeth. I was in a terrible way. Since then we have moved and that has alleviated my anxiety slightly but now it seems to rear its head in different ways. I worry about silly things like my cats being hurt in the night and have to get up and check on them, I worry that the bath might fall through the floor with me in it and I worry that the boiler is faulty despite having it checked tons of times.

I have also noticed I am becoming increasingly agoraphobic and always persuade myself to stay in. I can't face meeting up with any of my friends and always give excuses. When I do go out in public I am terribly anxious unless its a route I am familiar with (e.g my route to work I am fine with.)

My main symptoms are: Teeth grinding, extreme tiredness, IBS type stomach, sensitive and dry eyes, dry mouth, terrible concentration, heart palpitations, no sex drive whatsoever (another thing that worries me), no motivation, constantly re-thinking my life and what I can do to make it better.

Since about 3 weeks ago I have been taking 10mg Citalopram.

Fay :)

14-08-12, 18:17
Hi Fay_elizabeth

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-08-12, 18:40
Hi hun & :welcome:

Sounds like you are having a tough time, but you will get lots of support & helpful advice here. It's a great website, you are not alone here :hugs:

Kitti :)