View Full Version : Scared about mdf and chemicals

Nighttime pacer
14-08-12, 18:13
Hi all
This is my first post on here. I'm really worried and scared about mdf.
I recently bought some new bedroom furniture. When I took clothes out of the drawers they smelled and there was a pretty strong smell coming from the furniture generally. After looking I realised the back of the wardrobes and underneath of all the drawers is MDF. I then looked online and saw that is has formaldehyde in it and can off gas for years.
I panicked and got rid of the furniture and am now getting painted pine.
I have realised I've got bookcases with mdf backs (ikea) and sideboard with mdf.
My new kitchen is all lacquered MDF.

I'm convinced I've poisoned myself and am about to get cancer from it all.
I do keep windows open when I'm at home but worry about when the windows have been closed in the winter. Can anyone help? I feel like I'm going mad.

Nighttime pacer

14-08-12, 18:16
Just think how many people have mdf in their houses! I find mdf furniture smells but I like he smell! How long have you had it in your house, as it's obviously not affected you this far. They wouldn't be allowed to sell it if it was dangerous.

14-08-12, 18:29
MDF is perfectly safe, the only time it could cause a problem is when cutting it as the dust is pretty nasty, but on bought furniture you will be fine - do you think they would be able to sell the amount of MDF furniture they do every year if it was unsafe ?

The smell from MDF is the glue used to make it and stick the veneers on, not formaldehyde, the smell does go after a while anyway.

Nighttime pacer
14-08-12, 19:04
Wow that was quick! This site is amazing!
I am slightly concerned as I've developed Asthma in the last 3 years. Also when my kitchen was fitted the kitchen fitter was cutting some of the end panels. He did do that in the garden though and I kept my distance.
I have to stop googling and finding my next obsession to worry about.
I'm about to start CBT I hope it helps!
Thanks Mikewales and Lizzie29.

14-08-12, 19:40
I worked as a cabinet maker for a while, and cut loads of MDF and other woods, and there was always MDF sawdust in the workshop, never did me any harm