View Full Version : I think its in my head!

14-08-12, 18:21
Ok, so firstly i will give you a little background. I think i have IBS, not diagnosed but i think i have the symptoms and have done for a while. Anyway about 3 weeks ago i was constipated and ( a little bit too much information im afraid) i ended up straining on the toilet. The same week i was on holiday from work, and was doing lots of lifting etc. I suddenly got this twinge in my stomach in the right hand side next to my navel. I wouldnt say it was pain, more a dull ache. Anyway, i googled my symptoms and appendix and gallbladder came up, but i know when my auntie had a gallbladder problem she was in agony, i wasnt. This pain has been on my mind for 2 weeks now, not sure whether its there on its my mind, i had pain all over my stomach at the weekend, which felt like trapped wind and that has since gone, but i have been left with hunger pains.. I do get acid reflux and can feel acid in my throat, so im not sure if the hunger pains are to do with that, even though i havent eaten that much over the last week because i have literally been worried sick. The dull ache in my right side was an intermittent ache, not constant, but im having daily panic attacks because im so worried about it being something more serious. When i think about the pain i keep thinking its there, but i think its in my head because i have worried myself stupid over this. My dad has been diagnosed with lung cancer recently and my HA has gone into overdrive. Has anyone ever had these hunger pains? Random aches in the stomach more like a twinge than a pain?

Thanks in advance x

14-08-12, 21:27
Okay, these symptoms don't scream danger to me, and the only way to know for sure is to make an appointment in the morning with your doctor and get him/her to tell you what's up, it's no good diagnosing yourself, people SHOULD NEVER LOOK UP THEIR SYMPTOMS ONLINE! It only causes panic which 9/10 is unnecessary. Eat something, if you don't then you'll just feel worse in your mind and in your body, the same goes for drinking plenty of fluids.

Please don't panic until you really have something to panic for. Panic and stress just make you feel so much worse. Do something that soothes you, take a walk or a nap or watch a fun film.

And remember even if you go to a doctor and there is something wrong there are literally a million things it could be before something really serious. You probably don't need to worry at all.

Get checked up. :) Good luck x