View Full Version : Health Anxiety. Anyone else?

14-08-12, 18:30
Hi, I am new to the forum, but have read a few posts on here and have the feeling that I can relate to the feelings of others here.
I have never actually be diagnosed with Health Anxiety. Not even sure if you can be diagnosed with? In any event, I think it's pretty obvious that this is what I'm suffering from, because I find myself stressing out and worrying about my health a lot. Not quite sure when this started exactly. I guess I was always brought up to be quite cautious and avoid things that could potentially cause harm to me, but I can't blame this one on the parents really, because even they think I take my health anxiety too far and have many times told me to let up on it, as it becomes irritating and annoying to them (and other people in my life as well). I really don't want to obsess about my health so much, but it seems it just happens. Any little pain or discomfort has me trawling the internet (which may not always be a good idea) and I start to worry about all these potential illnesses I could have. I tend to worry about my heart a lot, if it maybe does something funny or feels odd for a second (chances are this is due to my anxiety). I fear there's something wrong and envisage the worst case sceanrio. I did actually have an ecg a little while ago, which was completely normal. Knowing that actually made me feel much better, but then it wasn't long before I started finding something else to obsess about...One of my biggest fears is catching the flu or having a stomach upset. This really freaks me out and if I hear of someone who has something like that or even if someone I know knows someone who currently has a flu or something I will avoid that person or not to speak to them I feel the time is right. I realize that by being this way I am ruining the times in life I should enjoy. Eventually everyone gets some sort of ailment or minor illness, but I can't accept that. It doesn't affect me so much I can't go to work. I work full-time and never really let that side of me show at work, but it's on my mind all the time...worst thing is, is that the people closest to me don't unde rstand and say it's stupid or that I will grow out of it and CBT would be a waste and I don't need it...does anyone else feel this way or have any tips/hints? Thanks for reading. :)

14-08-12, 19:30
Hey, Im new to this site aswell. I am the same as you in that i have not been diagnosed. I was actually wondering the same, if you can actually get a diagnosis? I think that would make me feel a bit better if i knew that their was a proper name for what i had and im not just crazy lol.
I worry about my heart alot aswell. I get chest pains alot which really scares me. Like you say you just find something else to obsess with. Its so annoying, i could be ok for a week or 2 then il get a symptom and thatl be me a mess again :mad:
Im making an app with my doctor and def asking can i get a proper diagnosis and be referred as i seriously cant cope being this way anymore....

14-08-12, 20:04
Hi, yes, i'm not sure either about the whole diagnosis thing...I never really know, if anxiety like this is something that can be diagnosed, but I don't really know about these things well enough...It's not crazy to think there're things wrong-don't worry. I can see from this site that a lot of people feel this way. While everyone probaby worries about their health to some extent, others may read into things a lot more and worry more. I always think it's good to get any sort of physical complaint or ailment checked out by a doctor. It's just knowing when the anxiety is just playing up again...in any event, I wish you all the best and hope that you will conquer this anxiety. :)

14-08-12, 20:06
I get this, especially at night when I'm just thinking about everything and anything. I wouldn't recomend looking online becuase (as you may have noticed) symptoms of pretty much any illness or desease are the same symptoms of a dozen other diseases so using the internet to diagnose yourself is useless and you know you'll just assume you have the worst thing possible. If you have something and you think it might be the sign of something more serious, just make an appointment that day or the next morning and try to carry on as usual knowing that you've done all you can and worrying won't help at that point. Then once it's appointment time, chances are you won't have anything wrong with you just like all the other times, or if there is something wrong there are a million things it could be before a terminal illness. Just let a doctor do their job and don't try to do it for them because you'll cause yourself stress which really can make you sick.

Also don't be so afraid of flus or tummy bugs, although they're uncomfortable we can't all avoid them and it's very unlikely that they'll do any real harm other than feeling a bit sicky for a few days. Everybody get's sick sometimes, stressing over it will just make you feel worse.
Good luck x
(also try natural soothing remedies to calm your mind from over thinking, they can be really helpful. I use Kalms, you can find them in health shops)

14-08-12, 21:11
Hey, thanks for your post and the re-assurance. :) it's good to hear sometimes. Like you say, I totally agree with the fact that self-diagnosing on the internet can make matters worse for you and if you have a real concern you should just see your gp about it to clear up your worries-as usually they probably will be unfounded. I really want to try and focus more on the good things and accept that not feeling well sometimes is just part of life and to cross that bridge when I get to it rather than always worry about nothing. In the meantime, we should be focusing on the good things in life. :)