View Full Version : school holidays

lisa p
24-07-06, 11:42

Oh dear, another long school holiday is near, one day to go!!

I really do not know what I am going to do - everyone is putting pressure on me to take the children here, there, and everywhere. I just do not feel up to it at the moment.

Next week hubby is off work, I am already dreading it - he will suggest going out - and as usual I will make excuses then feel so guilty.

My life just seems to revolve around pa's, if I am at home I am fine, My family have no idea how bad it is, and how much effort I have to put into going to the local shop etc.

Has anybody got any tips on how to survive the next five weeks!!



24-07-06, 12:16
Hello Lisa

This isnt much help

But was exactly the same with my X girlfreind.

She wanted to go out and I couldnt.

Its very hard I know.

Is there no way you could ask your hubby to take the kids out or maybe take the kids somwhere close to home where you can escape if you have to?

24-07-06, 14:26
Hi there, I was exactly the same when my 4 were younger. May i suggest that next week, whilst hubby has time off, arrange outings etc, but don't plan to go yourself, just explain things (sort of) to them, and then on the day if you felt you might be able to manage great! if not, you and they won't feel annoyed/disappointed etc....make sure on their return you are waiting with a bbq prepared, picnic for the garden that type of thing?(glass of wine for hubby?) later bed times cos it's school holls. lots of tv/dvd's (naughty, i know) maybe invite their friends over for tea/dinner (not sure how old your kids are) lots of activities that can be done inside or in garden, cooking/painting that kind of thing. Do not let anyone pressure you it will only make things worse for everyone, explain to hubby, he will be fine, they just do not understand how we are not able to get and go!!!! (if only eh?) xxx