View Full Version : What do you do when it all gets too much?

14-08-12, 19:47
I am feeling the most depressed I have ever felt tonight I think, everything is getting on top of me. I feel like screaming, crying and honestly just wondering if all this is worth it. My therapist appears to not be willing to see me anymore, (I cancelled an appointment and since then I have left numerous messages for him but he hasn't called back) I even said on the message how urgent it was and left my numbers again. I just don't know what to do, where to turn and don't see any positive outcome for me. My panics have got worse, ocd worse, anxiety and agoraphobia are out of control and I just have had enough.

Don't want to bring anyone down just wondered if anyone had any advice on how to get through this.


14-08-12, 20:46
Hey there.
Everyone has these moments and by the sounds of things you just haven't found that special thing that makes you feel better yet.

Everyone with depression and/or anxiety or any other mental illness has things that make them more relaxed or give them hope, some just take longer to find.

I find that listening to Buddhists speaking about the subject of depression or anxiety on Youtube is soothing to me.
I also use Kalms which are (as you may be able to guess from the name) a calming anti-stress tablet that you can get from health shops. There are lots of remedies you can find to calm your mind.

As for your doctor not answering, he must have a reason to ignore an urgent call, he's busy or has had an emergency maybe and had to take time off? Even if he had given up on you that just means that he's bad at his job, it's not your fault so don't beat yourself up. Try drawing or writing, I can hardly draw to save my life but just doodling in some nice colours can ease my mind.

I hope you feel better soon. :) Good luck x

14-08-12, 20:56
I have been here so many many times I really send my love and hugs to you.
Are you on any meds ?
In my crisis times the things that have helped me are chamomile tea and loadsss of it. Calling the samaritans they are brilliant. Playing the games on here. Going for a walk or a drive really helps. Watching something you know that makes you laugh. You have to believe that it WILL PASS it does for all of us and just know you are not the only one that suffers like this. Big hugs xxx

14-08-12, 21:04
Hi I agree with Laura, chamomile tea helps and also Bach rescue remedy (I think you can order it on this site or get it from the chemist). I have been there too and you WILL get through it, it just seems so hard at the time. I try to watch a comedy film or my favourite Mrs Browns Boys..that usually gets me laughing when nothing else can. Sending you love and hugs :hugs:

15-08-12, 00:50
Thanks so much for your replies. I am on medication yes it just doesn't seem to be doing much at the moment and I have tried to get to see my GP to no avail as she is fully booked up for 2 weeks!! I will try and chamomile tea and rescue remedy. I would go for a drive or walk by the sea ( I live on the coast) but I am agoraphobic so it's not really possible but I will give the other suggestions a go thank you so much xx