View Full Version : anxiety sympoms

14-08-12, 20:15
hi everybody im new to this wesite but im hoping to find some support from others in similar situations. anxiety and the symptoms of it are crippling me. i have a general anxiety disorder and social anxiety. i shake alot of the time sweat, my chest gets tight and my head starts racing. i dont feel i fit in to society. does any one else feel like this???i am seeking help but i cant see the light at the end of the tunnel:weep: i have been unable to work for quite a few years

14-08-12, 20:26
Hi pippa19

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-08-12, 21:15
So many people feel this way, you have no idea. Everybody has these feelings only some dwell on them more than others and get really bummed about it.

Everyone with anxiety/depression/panic attacks has things which make them feel better, sometimes it's certain people, funny movies, medicines, meditations and so one.

It's just about exploring different methods of coping with depression and anxiety and finding which ones work, sometimes you'll find something that works and then one day it suddenly stops working and you go on to find something new.

Personally when I'm down or anxious I take Kalms (an anti-stress remedy you can get from health shops, there are lots of these which work.)
Or I'll go on Youtube and listen to Buddhists giving speeches on the subject. (It can sound like a stupid idea to those who haven't tried it, but it can be really soothing)
Sometimes I draw or write, even though I can't draw worth a darn I find it can be therapeutic to doodle for a while.
Or sometimes I'll just try to go to sleep and hope it's gone when I wake up.
A lot of people have different ways of dealing with anxieties, it's just about figuring out what helps you. A lot of people on these websites recommend camamile tea and swear it works. Try any of these things and you might just be surprised.

Good luck :) xx Feel better soon x