View Full Version : Muscle ache worry

Anxious lu
14-08-12, 20:26
I usually suffer muscle aches in my left arm shoulder and hand which I presume is due to my anxiety but this evening it seems worse.

I am always anxious and today I spent the day walking around the beach and two pushing my niece in her pram. Now I have got in and Relaxed my arms and legs feel so achy. Could my anxiety be making my muscle aches worse?

I'm geting anxious because it's not usually in my legs or this bad.

14-08-12, 20:33
It will probably be with all the walking you have done today and pushing the pram. Anxiety does cause muscle aches as well x

14-08-12, 21:08
It is definitely what you have been doing i have had really bad leg aches from walking on a beach it is such a different surface than the ground and any tension makes it worse.
I also have the arm and shoulder pain which is aggravated by over use like if i paint or polish. I think as long as you can think yeah i have used those muscles today then its less alarming x