View Full Version : Feeling like something's really wrong with my stomach

14-08-12, 21:16
Hey everyone I need some advice. I keep getting a bubbling feeling in my stomach but it's weird because the feeling is in he same spot every time. It feels like tiny air bubbles going off almost like something's leaking out.

I have health anxiety and right now I'm going mad because I did the stupid thing of using google... I keep thinking I have something like a stomach perforation!! I'm guessing if that was he case I would be in agony right???

I know this sounds really silly but I'm really worried. I have no other symptoms aside from a lot of gas.

14-08-12, 21:19
Probably just indigestion, you could look up home remedies for this or go to a doctor if you're really worried. Drink a lot of water and eat something.

Good luck :) xx

14-08-12, 21:21
I think the bubbling feeling sounds like trapped wind, I get the same. I am sure you would be in a lot of pain if it was perforated! Don't google things :) You will be fine.

14-08-12, 21:59
you prob have to much acid in your stomarch try gaviscon or ask the doctor for something stronger. you would be in pain if it was a alser never mind a perferation

15-08-12, 12:42
Anxiety ! Believe me :)
Since my panic started 3 years ago i've had lots of digestive issues, ibs symptoms and was convinced i needed surgery.
The amount of times my doctor has said to me "its just anxiety"

I find exercise, lots of water and belly massage helps :D