View Full Version : need some reassurance!x

worried 101
14-08-12, 22:21
Hi guys.
Havent written on here i a while but unfortunately the anxiety has risen again...just feeling really blue for no reason...feel like im suddenly second guessing myself with everything...and its just getting me down..feel deflated been really good and now this feels like a step backwards..just wish i didnt have these stupid down periods which makes me worry about all aspects of my life from relationships to work to friendships to money.it just sucks and dosent feel like its gunna stop soon.
Sorry to go on but just wanted to share with others and maybe see how people felt or if anyone else had felt the same.please psot if you have!will make me feel more sane!

14-08-12, 22:36
Hi there.
If you've suffered with anxiety for a while then you'll know that these phases come and go, and this phase will pass and you'll feel better again just like the last time.
It sounds like you're really doing well on getting better, focus on that. Anxiety creeps up where it's least wanted, because you're doing so well in yourself that little anxious piece of your brain that's still there had second guessed you.
Just keep reminding yourself of how well you're doing, this anxiety will NOT break you in your final moments of recovering.
If you get over this then you know every time that it happens that you're better than it until it finally dies and you realise really how strong and cabable you are.

Good luck x:)

worried 101
15-08-12, 12:40
Thanks for the reply.
Just get these moments of total self doubt...its focuses in on different things usually...sometimes my friendships and sometimes work...right now its my relationship...i must say I am in a totally loving and wonderful relationship with a man I adore but for some reason the anxiety is homing in on this...i find myself questioning things like...does he still like me...is he happy...are we happy?stupid stuff like that.I know we are happy but the anxiety just digs away at this...maybe because it is a part of my life that I am happy with.My partner has two children from a previous relationship that are absolutely lovely and we get on very well, we have them most weekends and a day in the week and as any two young children they are quite tiring.we just have a weekend of which was nice to just have some couple time...but part of me feels a bit deflated that we don't have a weekend of for a while and makes me then straight away think...'oh you cant handle the children when there round' which isn't the case but straight away its negativity in my head. I have suffered with depression and anxiety for year or so now and am on medication..i have missed a few pills recently so don't know whether maybe that's affecting me...just feel sad and like I just wanna cry all the time...its realy getting me down...

16-08-12, 00:55
I'm sorry you feel like that :( I totally get what you're saying. As soon as you find a really good thing in your life your anxiety wants to ruin it. But from what I'm hearing here you adore your partners kids and I think you'd miss them if you didn't see them, I'd imagine a lot of parent get this same tired feeling and questioning whether they're up to it. If that was my brain talking I think I would just try to not give it a lot of thought and say "Well that's too bad cuz I'm in it now and I'm staying in it and if my anxious brain doesn't like it then that's just tough."
As for meds, I'm not a doctor but there's a lot of possibilities as to why they've stopped working. It could be that you've not taken them (and probably that is the reason if you think so) but it could also be that your body has become sort of immune to them and you need to up the dosage or maybe you've consumed a lot of alcohol recently? Alcohol will stop a lot of medications from working. What meds are you on? I only ask because I'd like to look into a medicinal way of dealing with my own anxiety and am interested to hear what works.

worried 101
16-08-12, 10:56
Thanks for the advice...thinks what you say is exactly right...its like the anxiety wants to wreck what makes me happy, I think that its confidence with me, instead of just saying, im having bad day,it gets blown totally out of proportion and I end up in such an anxious state and question everything.Its silly really as I love my partners kids to bits, I think it is that feeling of feeling like a failure if I have a down day in a way, and it makes myself question my abilities.I had had some alcohol on the weekend so it may have been a combination of that mixed with missing some pills that could have affected me. I was first on prozac when I first started on medication but found that didn't really agree with me as I need something to help my anxieties more than just to elevate my mood. I then was put on citalopram, I started on a 10mg dose then went to 20mg to 40mg. I have found that the citalopram has worked well for me, it has definitely helped to 'level me out' and my anxieties have definitely decreased since taking them. Have you spoken to a doctor at all about going on to medication?My advice would be to speak to yours as they will be able find a medication that will suit you.How long have suffered with anxiety?Has it been a long term?x

16-08-12, 16:10
Hopefully getting back on track with your meds will sort you out. I'm only 17, have suffered with anxiety my whole life but only really badly for the past 2 or 3 years and started to have panic attacks and such. I know that seeing a doctor is the best option but I suffer quite badly with agoraphobia so it isn't easy for me to get out to see a doctor. I'm getting better though so hopefully I will make it to a doc some point soon, I just lose faith because every time I've been dragged to an appointment by friends the out come hasn't been what I've wanted so I feel like there's no hope for me and the doctors will never understand or offer me anything that makes a real difference.
Hearing that medicine has helped you has opened my mind so thank you:)