View Full Version : I'm very depressed and sad right now

14-08-12, 23:17
Hello everyone, im suffering with anxiety and bad depression
at moment. I worry a lot about my age and the way i look. :(

i feel worried i might look too older than my age and it's getting me down.

I feel concerned that i look older than what i am hich is 18
and i feel i would just like to know what people think on here.

I am a very ugly person inside and outside. i have a birthmark on the
right cheek of my face and am not nice. :( I am not telling any1 how i really
feel but sometimes i feel i dont know what to do anymore.

can u tell me what age u would say i looked here in these two pics
and if i look ugly

http://s1182.photobucket.com/albums/x447/angelk01/Gran/?action=view&current=gran.jpg#!oZZ1QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs118 2.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fx447%2Fangelk01%2FGra n%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3Dgran.jpg

14-08-12, 23:45
I'm so sorry to hear that you feel this way.

You sound very depressed, I think maybe you should see a doctor and tell hem how you feel, or tell a friend maybe?

I don't have to click the link to have an opinion of you, you sound like a very sweet person who's just feeling down about themself.

I hope this passes for you, good luck :) x

15-08-12, 00:21
Hi becoming obsessed with our image happens to everyone you jut seem to have let it really get to you, I didnt;t click on the picture because I don't think that;s the right type of reassurance you need. Are you more concerned what other people thing of you and you appearance ? have you friends if so your very lucky they aren't judging on your look they like you they like being around you. The less you think about your appearance the better that's not to say don't look after yourself. Wear what you like do your hair the way you want to stop looking at what everyone else has, get noticed for being an individual you will attract liek minded people. Hope you cheer up

15-08-12, 11:07
Hi Grace,

I agree with the other 2 replies you've had. I haven't clicked on the link either because the problem isn't how you look, it's your anxiety. People worry about all sorts of things from their appearance to their health and no amount of reassurance really helps as your mind just keeps on questioning it. The only way to feel better is to get to the bottom of your anxiety.

Have you asked for help? Talk to some friends and your doctor who will be able to guide you and help you through. You'll get some support on here by asking if anyone else has constant worries about their appearance rather than asking for a judgement on how you look.

Take care


15-08-12, 11:30
Hey Grace, We all have worries about our external appearance, maybe more so when we're younger and trying to fit in.
Please don't worry about how you look- I had a look at your pics and one thing that struck me is how beautiful your eyes are and you have fantastic cheekbones too.
I'm a 33yr old Mum now and OMG i have crows feet around my eyes and deep wrinkles across my forehead and I'm definitely looking my age!
You are lovely - please don't let your head tell you anything different.

Regarding being an ugly person on the inside - this sounds like more of an issue you need help with. Think about how your friends/parents/family would describe you and all the postive things they would say about you. If I were you i;d make a list of these things and pin them to the wall. For me, when I'm feeling full of self doubt I say
1)people would say I'm friendly
2) I'm thoughtful
3) I'm helpful
4) I'm kind

Hope this helps -take care x

15-08-12, 11:39
I clicked on your picture before I read the other comments and I was immediately drawn to those beautiful eyes! Then I read the comments and saw that R4963 said the same about your eyes. I think you are beautiful on the inside and outside. I work with young people and most of them worry about how they look at your age. I think you should talk to your doctor about how you are feeling and maybe ask for counselling to help build your confidence? :hugs:

15-08-12, 16:37
hi grace sorry u feel like this i understand as i suffer with anxiety and depression and i too worry about the way i look but let me tell u now your not ugly your pretty i say u look 18 u dont look older so dont worry hun dont put ya self down :hugs: