View Full Version : Unable to decide on kids

14-08-12, 23:29

I am a 34 years young female who is scared of medical stuff.

I have been very lucky in my life and never had experience of medical intervention until recently.

I had my first tooth filled last Summer (panic attacked my way through).

I am currently undergoing blood tests because I have lost a lot of weight over a short time and doctors can't find the reason (cried my way through the tests).

My main issue is this: Do I want children? I STILL don't know?!? I am actually too scared to think about whether I want them or not! I am very careful with my contraceptive so I will unlikely have an "accident" but I cannot imagine planning to let myself do something so medical to my body! My friends and family all have children, I truly am the last and everyone is asking. My boyfriend likes kids and says he'll be happy either way. The closer I get to 35 the more scary the medical implications become for mother and child! I am waiting for that urge to start a family to take over and make the decision, or a repulsion to the idea to kick in... Neither has ever happened throughout my life so far!

I am not fearful of pregnancy, but certainly of birth and definitely scared of surgery, so a c-section would be out of the question! I am fearful of me with no sleep!!!

Do I need some sort of therapy?