View Full Version : Awake worrying im going to stop breathing help!

15-08-12, 05:52
I have been up about 3 hours now just constantly worrying about my breathing not being able to take my mind of it and that's making me breath funny. I just feel like I'm going to stop breathing and that I'm not getting enough air! I'm so helpless right now cause I don't want to move about and make a fuss as I don't want to wake my partner up :( I know I can't just stop breathing and die cause something to do with you pass out and breath again but I just can't take my mind of it!! And have to be up in a few hours going to be tired all day again :(

15-08-12, 12:15
Hi I hope it passed and you got a bit of sleep your not alone on that one that happens to me day or night night time is the scariest but keep calm like you said you can't stop breathing and die what I do is I play a game on m phone or put telly on until it passes and I fall back to sleep seriously you sound just like me I could have written that myself plenty of times hope your ok now x

15-08-12, 12:40

It sounded like i had written that thread !
Since my first panic attack im constantly paranoid about my breathing and to make it worse i suffer with rhinitis which blocks my nose up anyway.
Distraction is definitely the best thing and convincing yourself your fine why should you not be able to breathe.

I no it's such a dreadful feeling :( hope you got some sleep xx

15-08-12, 18:08
Thank you! I eventually fell back to sleep for an hour after lying awake for 3 hours. It's the worst feeling ever and what ever I try to do to distract myself it doesn't seem to work. Hopefully cause I'm so tired today al have a decent nights sleep. Thanks for the replies :) x