View Full Version : mornings

15-08-12, 10:51
Since this all started there is one thing thats always been there.
Seconds after i fully awake i have this feeling flush over me and then i start feeling ruff snd the shakey ness starts and the vision and dizzy stuff starts and dosnt leave me. Its like ivr just been injected with a poision is this common or just me?

15-08-12, 11:24
I think this is very common in panic/anxiety/depression, mornings for me are terrible at the moment, I wake up, start to feel sick, go very shaky and feel generally really anxious. I have just started new meds, so I know I have to give them time and I know that they don't help your symptoms in the beginning.
Are you on meds? What is your condition?

15-08-12, 11:30
This is very similar to what happens to me every morning and I hate that feeling. I think you will find many anxiety sufferers feel this in the mornings but you certainly aren't alone in this!! Take care, Kitti :)

15-08-12, 11:31
Mornings are the same for me. Now I try to get up when I wake up or put the TV on in my bedroom. The longer I lie in bed the longer it takes to shake the feeling off. It is the most awful feeling.

15-08-12, 12:17
When I was going through the worst stages of my anxiety, the mornings were always the worst part of the day for me. I'd wake up really early in the morning at the crack of dawn, and then my negative thoughts would start racing through my mind, my heart would beat really fast and then I'd have no chance of getting back to sleep. I used to lie there, in the vain hope that tiredness would overwhelm me and I'd go back to sleep, but I'd just fall asleep for a split second then wake up again straight away. I'd get more anxious and depressed the longer I stayed in bed, and I'd feel like I couldn't face the day ahead of me.

If this happens again, I would get up as soon as I have the feeling that I won't be able to go back to sleep, and I'd do something else for a while. If you feel tired again, you can always try going back to bed a while later.

15-08-12, 12:29
the same for me, im awful until after about 11 and i quite often to put off meetings and things until later in the day, sometimes i just cant function. this morning i had an anxiety morning..felt rough and light headed, but i hadnt had much sleep and not much to eat so maybe it was this.

15-08-12, 13:20
Mornings are the worst for me too...I wake up and my hands are already trembling. I sometimes want to stay up as late as possible because I know the morning ahead is going to be awful..
But I am getting better at acknowledging that "I always feel this way in the morning", "I know its going to pass", "it's nothing new"...etc. self talk seems to help it subside a bit quicker.

15-08-12, 14:28
Thank you for posting this, since my latest bout I have been waking early - normally a good sleeper, feel sick, have been sick, upset stomach, tearful, fearful of the day ahead. Was beginning to think something dreadfully wrong with me. Have recently started meds, waiting for them to kick in. Good luck to you. :D

Allison Jayne
15-08-12, 17:03
I feel the same every morning and sometimes it stays for the day but I'm having a relapse at the moment and can honestly say it does get better. I've been on meds for three months so still a newbie but we will ally get there soon x

15-08-12, 18:12
This is a common sensation due to overnight fasting and drop in blood sugar levels.
About an hour before bed have a light snack. On waking, get up straight away and have something to eat. This will help regulate your blood sugar levels and help stave off the panicky feelings.
I used to keep a packet of biscuits beside my bed and would eat a couple if I woke during the night. My system would calm down and I found it easier to settle and go back to sleep.

15-08-12, 19:14
Yes - mornings are dreadful for me too. Feeling nauseous, very high levels of anxiety, fear of 'yet another day'. Sometimes I work myself up to the point where I am physically sick.

It used to be the case that later in the day would be better for me, but I'm having a very bad patch at the moment and it isn't lifting a lot. Mornings still worst though.

Sorry - I haven't any solutions, except to say I know how you feel and I have recovered from this in the past so there is hope. My thoughts are with you.

15-08-12, 20:43
I used to dread mornings. For a long time when I woke up I would feel shaky, dizzy then the headaches would start. This went on for weeks and I would get anxious about going to bed because I knew in a matter of hours it was all going to kick off! Vicious & circle are the words that come to mind! I can't remember when or why but it did eventually wear off. I still get odd mornings when I think 'WTF - here we go again' but it passes. It will get better. xx

15-08-12, 23:49
I thought i was alone- i also wake up every morning (early) actually feeling quite okay and then the train of anxiety comes and wipes me out- it can be brutal (really like being slammed by a train - or how i would imagine it!) leaving me completely devastated - the thing is i have a moments realisation that the train is coming- i feel okay but it's coming and i am terrified because i know it is going to hurt - big time "badness". Then there is the more insidious creeping anxiety on "better" days which starts with negative thoughts and builds up momentum until i am a catatonic anxiety ridden mess- still bad but not as painful as the train wreck. Either way i don't get back to sleep and usually spend 3-4 hours in an anxiety ridden often suicidal ball- something has to give. I feel for anyone who goes through this. I also stay up late- I probably fear sleep as i know what lies at the other end.
It's not much fun

08-03-19, 11:10
[QUOTE=purplepie;1025661]I think this is very common in panic/anxiety/depression, mornings for me are terrible at the moment, I wake up, start to feel sick, go very shaky and feel generally really anxious. I have just started new meds, so I know I have to give them time and I know that they don't help your symptoms in the beginning.
Are you on meds? What is your condition?[/QUOT

i feel the same as you and I to have started new meds and it’s truly horrible, I feel scared all the time and just can’t calm down , I’m only on day 6 of duloxatine so early days just don’t know what to do