View Full Version : Nervous Passenger

24-07-06, 12:45
Hello all can anyone relate to this??

(for those who know me, this is seperate to my other driving problems)

I am a very nervous passenger when in the car with anyone. My boyfriend and I spend a weekend every couple of weeks down on the south coast as he has a house there which he is trying to sell so every few weeks we go down for a weekend. It is a 2.5hour drive and I am a nervous wreck for most of the journey.

I am convinced that we are going to crash, I always think the worst and imagine that someone is going to pull out on us, or if we are on a motorway and are overtaking, then the person we are overtaking is not going to see us and we are going to crash etc. My boyfriend has been really patient but now it is starting to get to him, especially as I won't do any of the driving myself (you wouldn;t get me on a motorway for a million quid). its not even like he is a bad driver - he is a good driver so I dont know why I am like this

I just dont know how to get over it. Thankfully the journeys down south wont be forever- as soon as the house is sold then obviously we wont need to go down there at weekends

Does anyone else suffer from being a nervous passenger??

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

24-07-06, 14:47
Hi Julia
I dont think I'm quite as bad as you but yes ive suddenly turned into a nervous passenger, I go to Barmouth every few weeks and sit there nervous and panicky the whole time.
I found the last few times that singing to your favourite cd's and sucking boiled sweets helped.
If its really bad thenwhy not go to the docs to get some diaziphan, I have half a tablet when I fly just to take the edge of the nerves.
My boyfriend jumps out of his seat everytime I squeal cos I dont want him to overtake, quiet funny but I think its starting to annoy him now!!


24-07-06, 15:18
Not sure if its got to the stage where I need medication, but you sound just like me...I squeal when he tries to overtake- what are we like!!!

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.