View Full Version : Sinus problems or time to worry

15-08-12, 13:13
I keep getting mild pain over my eye brows my ears are full of wax and i feel really stuffy like i camt breath up my nose properly. I some times feel a little dizzy and sleepy does this sound like sinus problems i also sneeze hard and it feels horrible when i do . Iv started thinking iv got a brain tumour

15-08-12, 13:18
It does sound like sinus problems. I have the same and have just been to see my GP. He said to use steam inhalations and to put olive oil in my ears for a few weeks then get my ears if they need it. I also find alternate hot and cold compresses across my nose and cheek bones helps the sinus to clear.

15-08-12, 15:30
you should go to the doctor and get checked out incase you have an inner ear infection thats making you dizzy. Have you ever heard of the candle thing you can get that you put in you ear and it takes all the wax out of it. Its meant to be brilliant. The thing with your nose could be sinus problems. Why dont u try sudofed and see does that help clear it for you? hope you feel better soon xx

15-08-12, 16:52
Wow, I was just about to post with the same thing! However, I havent got a stuffy nose, which is worrying me more as why would I feel pressure around my eyes?? I went to the Dr on Friday and he said my glands were slightly up and that I have hard wax over my right ear eardrum. He said that 'might' be causing the dizziness. It's the dizziness that's panicking me the most, I feel as if I might pass out! All he's given me is an acid spray to soften the wax and if it's still there in a week I have to have it taken out at the docs.

Thing is, like you, I feel crappy, am dizzy, tired, feel pressure around the eyes, a 'tightness' around the top and sides of the head... So yes, I keep worrying about brain tumour aswell :(

Hugs, and keep us updated as to how you feel.

Charlotte x

15-08-12, 17:06
Be careful taking Sudafed as it has interactions with some antedepressents/anxiety meds and shouldn't be taken with them. My doctor tells me just to use the steam inhalation and hot/cold compresses. Sheila you mean Hopi ear candles, I am a holistic therapist and do that treatment and yes it can help but it is best to put oil in the ears first to soften the wax.

15-08-12, 17:09
i might rty some of the suggestions but my doctor keeps thinking its all in myhead and its really starting to get me angry not every syptom people feel is anxiety. she said try menthol salts but il be back to hom next week if it dont sort its self out life is suppose to be fun not just one constant nightmare. how did you get on shila

15-08-12, 17:11
I put the menthol salts in the hot water for the steam inhalation

15-08-12, 17:34
sent you a private message mpm :)