View Full Version : Really anxious all the time

15-08-12, 14:50
when i was on holiday i had a few really bad panic attacks and stomach problems. the panic attacks were caused by my breathing obsession and since then i haven't been able to make the thoughts shut up!
i am now eating properly again but now the breathing obsession really has started to show itself, i think i have stuff wrong with my lungs or heart and some undiagnosed illness. i am too scared to get tests done because i am terrified of needles.
now i just feel confused and dizzy when i get up, and my eyes have gone really heavy and so have my legs. i am always fidgeting and always 'on edge' and even when i do manage to compose myself it only lasts for 5 minutes tops.
i have blurry vision as well and it feels like theres a band round my head, it doesnt hurt its almost like pressure.
it's really worrying me now because the anxiety keeps switching from one thing to the other, then to being ok for 5 minutes then to something else.
i don't know what to do!!
are these all symptoms of anxiety?

15-08-12, 15:25
Hey chloevictoria, anxiety can cause all these problems. The feeling of a 'band around your head' is the classical symptom of tension headaches. I had one that lasted 2 weeks and i freaked out and convinced myself i was really ill. I ended up getting a really good massage and trying to relax more and the headaches went away.
I think the reason you feel so bad is because you are always worrying and are 'zoned in' on every small thing that happens in your body. I am the same as you and i am sure alot of people here are. I can feel ok until i get any one symptom then i freak out.
Try to relax, i know its hard, but maybe go for a walk and distract yourself. In saying that im not good at giving advice when i dont follow it myself. Ive got really lazy and find myself nearly always in the house and googling symptoms.
I know i felt my best when i was drinking water all the time and doing exercise, going for walks etc. But i just cant find the motivation atm :(