View Full Version : Anyone ever sprained/fractured foot or ankle, need reassurance aftr rubbish treatment

15-08-12, 16:45
A month ago, I had an accident (fell off a stationary train, dont ask!!) and managed to go over on my ankle. At the time I wasnt initially too concerned as Ive gone over on my ankle plenty of times and thought it wouldnt be anything than a slight pain walking for half an hour or so. I then found however that I couldnt actually get up and stand on it. My dad took me to a&e where after a four hour wait and an ankle xray they said nothing broken, just very badly torn ligaments. The doc was very dismissive and barely looked at me or the xray.

I was told to go home and just start walking on it as normal despite fact couldnt walk on it at all and my foot and ankle were huge! I was told it would get worse before it got better, so basically dont come back. Over the next week and a half, I tried to walk as normal but could only manage a kind of limp not bending foot or ankle as this was impossible due to swelling and there was so much pain. My ankle and foot swelled severly and came out all colours. I got nagged so much by everyone that this didnt look normal, so two weeks after the accident I went back to a&e. I was seen by a doc who listened to my long explanation of what was wrong and then went and got a senior doc (the initial doc was very young, poss a junior doc). The senior doc never even came over to me and just kept repeating, your ankle sprained, it hurt, it swell, try harder walk normally (he was speaking in broken english this is not my typing)

I then got very upset as I didnt see how the level of pain and swelling and not being able to walk at all warrented no treatment and not even an examination. I asked about crutches/bandages etc, but they said no. After about 10mins of me repeating I didnt think it was normal and wanted something doing, he asked me in plain terms would a foot xray shut me up. I hadnt realised my foot hadnt been xrayed previously, so I said yes. The radiologist ticked no injury on my xrays, and the doc just looked at the piece of paper and said, 'see its just a sprain', he didnt even bother looking at the xrays himself at all!! He said it was probs me making the injury worse not walking properly on it!

I left and went back to work, and tried as much as poss to just get on with it and to walk, but a week later the pain was so bad, that at night I couldnt even stand bedsheets touching my ankle/foot. I then made a GP appointment and she was her usual dismissive self and I got nowhere. It was the day after this that I received a letter from a&e asking me to attend the orthopaedic clinic as they said a review of my case had lead them to conclude they may have missed fractures in my foot/ankle!!

Horrified I got an appointment at the orthopaedic clinic at the hospital teh next day. Once there, two hour past my appointment time, a nurse listened to me relate the whole story looked at my xrays, disappeared and came back with a moon boot. I told her this couldnt be for me as I hadnt seen the lower limb consultant I was supposed to see yet, but she told me she had told him what I had said and from this he thought the boot would be fine and offered no other info as to what they thought I had done to my ankle/foot. At this point I was at my wits end with being dismissed and started to cry, she then ran out and returned with the consultant in about 5 secs, who prodded my foot and ankle alot and concluded I had fractured two bones in my foot (3rd and 5th metatarsels), chipped my ankle and badly torn ligaments in my foot and ankle. I got told to wear a black moon boot and walk on crutches now for two weeks, and then weight bear with crutch support in the boot for another two weeks.

Its a nightmare as Im rubbish on crutches, so the hospital signed me off work for a month! im off at the moment but working from home as have a very stressful job, but have to return soon ankle better or not.

Two weeks into wearing the moon boot (just over 4 weeks since my accident) and using cructches the swelling has dramatically reduced to my foot, and the pain in my foot is reduced. However the ankle is still majorly swollen and I cannot bend it forwards or to the side. The hospital only seemed bothered by my foot when I was very clear the pain, swelling and inabiliy to move is concentrated to my ankle. Although my foot swelled and was painful, I could move my foot after about a week.

Really panicing now that almost 4 and a half weeks after my injury, that I cannot move my ankle at all, if all I have done is chip a bone and pull ligaments (apparently its only my foot I have actually fractured). Has anyone else not been able to move their ankle a month after spraining it/pulling ligaments?? Im attempting to get a GP appointment to get a fit note to go back to work on crutches and am hoping maybe she will shed some light on whether my healing should be any better, but am doubtful given how dismissive she is in general... I have to go back to the hospital to have it reviewed in early sept, and am terrified they wont be bothered by my lack of ankle movement, as they havent been up to now.

Really scared I wont get proper movement back :-( Think Im looking for reassurance that my sprain does just sound like a sprain, and Im confused what to do from here, do I just believe they now have it right after my fourth visit? My experiences with the rubbish NHS treatment I have received have done nothing to reduce my health anxiety and increase my confidance in docs at all! It seems the NHS is just focused on getting you out of a&e as quickly as poss to meet targets and doing as little as poss so it doesnt cost anything. Cant believe I walked on it for 2 and a half weeks, only to be told I should never have been walking on it.

15-08-12, 17:00
I fell off a ladder 9 weeks ago and fractured my 3rd and 5th metatrsals, dislocated my little toe and chipped a bone on the joint of my little toe. Also tore ligaments. Now in my 9th week I am very frustrated and depressed. Apparantly foot injuries can take a long time to heal. I have a plaster cast on. My 3rd metatarsal fracture is very bad an could not be missed on an x-ray. Ligament damage can take longer to heal and so can a sprain. I have had a sprained ankle in the past and it took 6 month for it to be pain free. They do not give treatment for sprains now and I was encouraged to walk on it then. With my injuries now, I have crutches and hate them. When my son was younger he injured his foot and was told the x-ray was fine and to get him to walk on it. He was in pain all week then like you I had a call from A&E. A senior doctor had checked the xray and he had 2 broken bones. Some of the bones in your foot are so small it is often hard to spot them. Unfortunately I think with foot injuries we just have to be patient. I think yours will heal much quicker than mine (bones) but the ligament damage may be painful for a little longer. It has made my anxiety worse so I understand your frustrations. I kept emailing the consultant for reassurance and he has told me it WILL get better. I guess in A&E they see these injuries everyday so they don't realise how stressful it is for us. It will get better it just takes times :hugs:

17-08-12, 23:59
Thanks foryour reply. I went to see my GP and she did say that foot/ankle injuries can take a long time to heal, she seemed to think I shouldnt expect to be able to move my ankle yet without having had physio. Apparently as you say sprains etc can take ages!

She asked if I thought could go back and stupid me said yes at the time (I curently have a sick not wit two weeks to run, been off two so far). So she has given me another fit note saying may be fit for work as long as doesnt have to move around much all day in the workplace. I then rang my emplyer to tell him so off back on Mon! All happened in a bit of a blur and now thinking been soo stupid, because Im genuinely still in pain and cant stand on foot. Plus Im uncoordinated and dont have much upper body strength so just frm getting into docs today my wrists/arms/shoulders are throbbing, and the good footi annoyed with me for all the hopping! Panicing Im going to get back to work and land up doing damage as Im in pain and havin a nightmare outside of the house on the crutches, why didnt I think of this at time!! I cant go to docs again after a few days and get another sick note lol! She didnt even actually look at my foot/ankle today, just asked me questions.... Everyone is telling me Ive been so stupid getting signed back into work when had option to still be off, I was just in a daze of worry this morning though bout my ankle and workload.

Hope your injuries are better soon!! I can sympathise with the pain x

18-08-12, 00:17
Oh my goodness!! I'm appalled at the treatment you have received so far!!!
I have been lucky enough not to have broken anything but did have plantar fascititis in my foot for 2 years so can understand the horror of foot pain.

maybe it is a bit quick to return to the workplace- does your note say "may" be able to work? if you try it and it's too painful could you do more work from home instead for the rest of your sick note?


18-08-12, 01:27
Yeah thinking it is too quick perhaps in hindsight but already told employer about fit note and they said see you Monday.... We dont have a policy that you can work at home unfortunately, i was just doing that a bit whilst being classed as off on the sick (covered by the sick note). If Im back I have to be physically there! Feel so stupid now that have let panic with stress of work make me say yes to a fit note. My workplace will think Im losing it if go in Monday and now say Im not sure I am fit, going to have to just get on with it I think and hope I can protect foot/ankle from damage by putting it up straight away when get in and things like that.

My dad has plantar fascititis and is in alot of pain with it, not nice at all! And seemingly hard for them to find the right treatments to ease it x

18-08-12, 08:35
God the way you have been treated is terrible. I fractured my ankle some years ago, like you they said it wasn't and sent me home saying I should try and walk on it blah blah. I was in agony, my foot was huge and black. Two days later I received a call saying it was in fact fractured and I was in plaster for seven weeks. Agree it is too soon to return to work if you're still in a lot of pain. Hope it eases soon x

08-03-15, 11:30
I went to A & E last Thursday (26th February) in the early hours of the morning, after falling on my ankle after both my legs fell asleep in school the day before (25th February). I had been following the 'RICE' treatment since when I injured my ankle. After severe pain and barely any sleep throughout the night my father took me to A & E at around 5:00 am in the morning. Firstly i expected wayyyy better service from the doctors and nurses seeming as it was a children's department. Yes, I do understand it was early and they might have been tired but when you are in pain and just feel like bursting into tears even a smile could help.

So I went, and the first nurse just asked about everything and then I was sent to a room to wait for another doctor to see me. The doctor came and he barely looked at my foot. I was wearing a sock and he didn't even ask for me to remove my sock!!! he just prodded my foot and sent me for an X - Ray. The results came back and I haven't fractured it. But here I am 11 days later in severe pain and i can barely walk on my foot. I can only walk on it by tip toeing on my right foot (Injured foot). Also I find when I sit cross legged - Not fully but really open legged - I can't sit like that for over a minute without being in severe pain.

But on Friday I got an Appointment card in the post from the hospital. Any ideas why ?

They did tell me that i have to ice my ankle and whatever, but they told me to walk on it !!! How was i going to walk on it if i was in severe pain. The swelling has gone down but it still kills. Don't know why it won't stop hurting as i've been taking painkillers almost every six hours.