View Full Version : Worried about pain in teeth

15-08-12, 17:33
Hi guys,

I'm really struggling lately with my anxiety and its going into overdrive today. I've had toothache on and off for about 2 weeks now. It started in 1 tooth but seems to have moved now and is just localised to the bottom left side of my mouth. I've rang the dentist and the best appt they gave me was 31st august unless its an "emergency". I was happy to wait as the pain actually went away and had none until last night when it was horrible. Didn't sleep half the night and can still feel the pain today. Really worried now as i stupidly googled and read all this stuff about tooth infections and it can spread if left and kill you via blood poisoning. I'm now panicking after reading this and i am home alone as my other half is away until monday and my family live about 15 miles away.
Trying so hard to calm down but its not working and feel like i can't breathe properly now.

Thanks for reading
Jenni xx

15-08-12, 17:51
try not to panic it might be an abcess my hubby was always getting these. and naughty u for googling the symtoms thats the worse thing u can do as google isnt always accurate. if in pain tonight ring ur dentist tell them yr not sleeping with the pain being so bad. hold a hot water bottle to yr mouth brush yr teeth 2 times a day use mouth wash take pain killers every 4-6 hours

15-08-12, 18:34
thanks. I know i was stupid to google! Feel a bit more reassured now. I think if it was infected then the pain would be a lot worse. Managing to get rid of the pain just by taking 1 paracetamol every 5 or 6 hours. Just trying to get through tonight on my own then will get an emergency appt with dentist tomorrow. Thanks a lot for replying to me :-) xx

15-08-12, 18:35
yr welcome gun hope it settles down for u:)