View Full Version : walking in the countryside

15-08-12, 18:15
Hi, I really like reading other people's success stories for inspiration so I thought I'd post a little one of my own. I've been struggling with panic attacks and some agoraphobia, so that over the last few months I'd stopped going very far from home, using public transport etc. At the worst I was having attacks just walking round the corner from where I live. But last weekend I walked for 7 hours in the countryside with a friend, through fields miles from anywhere, and with a bus ride there and back too, and I enjoyed it! There were a few times I got a bit anxious but I just tried to focus on all the nice things around me and it was ok, no panic attacks! I probably couldn't have done it by myself, but 2 months ago I don't think I could have done it at all, so it felt like a big step in the right direction :)

15-08-12, 18:22
Yay! Good for you! :yesyes: Your post gave me hope and made me smile :D

15-08-12, 21:46
Thanks Serenitie! And good luck with your Escitalopram; will be looking forward to hearing your progress :)

15-08-12, 22:02
Thank you athena :) I look forward to hearing about more of your countryside adventures :D

15-08-12, 22:08
Great story. Country walks are my favourite way to relax too.

Keep at it - there's plenty to see out there!

Pip x

15-08-12, 22:41
aww thats brilliant =) keep it up! x