View Full Version : Can stress make me feel like this?

15-08-12, 18:39
Yday i was so stressed all day almost to the point of tears and i got a headache and neck ache from it .. Last night i couldnt sleep due to stomach upset and today im tired feel low, my head feels like it weighs a tone my forhead is tight and i feel all over low.
My question is can stress make me feel this way? It does not help with my anxiety what so ever!

15-08-12, 18:48
Yes it def can so try not to worry. Stress, lack of sleep, crying, all would give us these tension headaches and can also upset your stomach. I have ibs symptoms that mainly only flare up when im stressed. So if im upset about something im gauranteed to have stomach pains, running to the loo, trapped wind etc
If you try and get a good sleep i bet ul feel a good bit better tomorrow :)

15-08-12, 18:54
Thankyou for your reply huni .. Ibs runs through my family so my mom reckons i may have this too.
Thankyou helps alot!! :)

15-08-12, 18:57
If your tummy pains get bad you should try buscopan. This usually helps for me.
Also i had a tension headache not so long ago and i got an indian head massage and i cant believe how much it helped. The doctor recomended it cuz i was so tense. I immediately felt 'looser' after the massage. :)

15-08-12, 19:29
If your tummy pains get bad you should try buscopan. This usually helps for me.
Also i had a tension headache not so long ago and i got an indian head massage and i cant believe how much it helped. The doctor recomended it cuz i was so tense. I immediately felt 'looser' after the massage. :)

Great!! Thanks for the advice!! :-D i will look into that :)

15-08-12, 20:30
I've learned that stress and anxiety can cause any symptom! I never used to be a stressful person so when all the weird stuff started happening I put 2 + 2 together and came up with BT, MS... all sorts. The reality is it's all anxiety. You need to find a way to relax. I agree with Sheila - a massage will do you the world of good. Very relaxing. Hope you feel better soon. xx

15-08-12, 21:05
I've learned that stress and anxiety can cause any symptom! I never used to be a stressful person so when all the weird stuff started happening I put 2 + 2 together and came up with BT, MS... all sorts. The reality is it's all anxiety. You need to find a way to relax. I agree with Sheila - a massage will do you the world of good. Very relaxing. Hope you feel better soon. xx

Thankyou!!! X