View Full Version : is this normal for wisdom toothhello

15-08-12, 19:04
one wisdom tooth is higher up than all the rest
all molars level except one wisdom tooth has grown higher up and looks higher up to for example

__- like that one tooth higher than the rest
its hurting to chew on aswell
other wisdom tooth didnt grow this big
this one is massive
going to scehdule dentist app but still a bit worried

15-08-12, 19:09
Wisdom teeth can come in all different directions, that's why so many people get them removed. Mine didn't even make it out of the gums and I had to have all four taken out. It would be a good idea though for the dentist to determine if it is coming in ok or not. Either way it is common, just a chance they may want to take them out. But only a dentist can say.

15-08-12, 21:12
ok ill ring tommorow and make an app
probs wont be for 3 weeks and the worrying scares me lol
it doesnt hurt to bad though

---------- Post added at 19:15 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

worried that itll get infected though lol this tooth is hugeeee and so much higher up its grown do you understand what i mean?
dont know how else to explain it lol

---------- Post added at 19:45 ---------- Previous post was at 19:15 ----------

pic hard to see but the tooth is not on level with the rest
none other wisdom teeth have done this
crying with fear

---------- Post added at 20:53 ---------- Previous post was at 19:45 ----------

Really Scared over this it's starting to hurt ..... If u run finger along top of teeth its like higher up really high up. Scared it'll get infected and travel to brain ( can happen)

---------- Post added at 21:12 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ----------

Going to Book dental app just can't stand the waiting! Lol

15-08-12, 21:40
Hey, I've had my wisdom teeth fully grow in before I had them removed.
They took years to come up too, the dentist can tell from the X-ray if the teeth will have enough room to grow .
If you need them removed do it now, don't let them grow like I did. It's not worth the pain to end up having them out anyway :)

They won't get infected that fast! I had mine for years , yes the gum would get sore as the tooth cuts away the gum to get out .
Use salt water it's great for any mild gum sores.

Your tooth looks fine, mine were higher up too. They dentist will tell you if yours are growing in straight. Mine had no room to grow so one grew in kind of sideways but again it happens all the time. :)

Floss around the wisdom teeth, food can get trapped when they are growing and irrating the gums.
Yours look very healthy compared to mine.

If the bottoms get infected, it causes your glands to get sore. It doesn't travel to the brain because you'd get antibiotics.
You're over worrying. But it's great youll be seeing a dentist.
If you've had an xray before and the dentist didn't mention your wisdom teeth, you may not need yours taken out at all.

I had my top ones pulled at the dentist. It didn't hurt and was very easy.
I went to hospital and got put to sleep to have my bottom ones cut out and that was easy too.

A lot of the stuff on the Internet is scary, so only listen to your dentist.
Don't worry about infections, if you get one you'll have some pain and swelling but salt water will help and the antibiotics will clear up the infection.
Infections in the brain are rare due to the use of medication, I think that only happens to people who live in a poor area and don't have access to health care.

I would keep some pain medication in the house, just in case they ever start to hurt.
Also mouth wash with alcohol in it, can numb a sore tooth as well as kill bacteria.

I had a lot if pressure in my jaw too due to the teeth being too big, so I did get a little jaw stiffness now and again.

Sucks we have wisdom teeth at all!

15-08-12, 21:48
Thanks I am defiantly booking the dentist tommorow ! Probs about a 3 week wait but oh well they can't get that bad in 3 weeks or get badly infected ... Ur post really helped actually feel much better now about it all. Last time I went about four months ago dentist said as I have over crowding to watch for it and come back in 6 months time so he can keep an eye out as it may not have room to grow in. My gums are very healthy and I brush/ floss twice daily and every other day use listerine mouth wash x