View Full Version : crippled with anxiety today

24-07-06, 13:58
my haed feels like it is in a vice, my stomach is knotted, my heart feels like its in my mouth.
Am i doing this to myself?

I recently had a change of meds, back on seroxat and i am putting it down to that. it is so horrible.
any encouragement please!

24-07-06, 14:19
Hi Dela
It probably is due to the fact youve changed meds, when you change meds it can cause youre anxiety to increase which as i know isnt very nice,see how you go and if youre still the same in a couple of days go back to youre doctors as they might not suit you, with some meds you have to have a break before starting a different type, have you done this or have you gone from one straight to another if so thats what could be causing the anxiety to worsen, ido feel for you as this has happened to me many times.
Take Care

24-07-06, 14:20
hi there dela sorry your not to good have you been on seroxat before and for how long,ive been on it for 10 years not working as well for me now but at first after a few weeks i felt great big hugs sue

24-07-06, 15:18
been on seroxat before for about 8 years. went on venlafaxine last year for about 12 months. no help. been on mitrazapine for about 3 months, no real help. so wanted to go back on seroxat as they helped before.

i did stop the mirtazapine fairly quickly and weaned onto the seroxat about a week ago.

25-07-06, 13:52
was feeling rough this morning and took a diazepam. the effect lasted for about a half an hour.

seems as though there's little escape

26-07-06, 14:06
still the same today. keep thinking that i am doing it to myself. but i don't know how not to.
might have to go back to dr as this is impossible to live with