View Full Version : From Seroxat to Prozac

15-08-12, 19:59
I have been on Prozac for 4 weeks following 5 years on Seroxat. Has anyone else had this change and can advise whether this medication change has made a difference.

11-09-12, 20:56
Hi Stefee,
Just read your post about the change in medication as I have made the same change. I am just over the 2 week mark on prozac and I am feeling a very slight improvement or what I hope is an improvement. I would be interested in finding out how you're doing so far with the change over
Take care

11-09-12, 22:44
I did the same but didn't feel as good with prozac, and it made me kinda aggressive. In my case it wasn't as effective at relieving anxiety.
However, a couple of years later I managed to quit paroxetine thanks to fluoxetine. The molecule having a longer half-life really eased the withdrawal.

12-09-12, 16:26
Hi Fred,en
Thanks for reply. Ya i'm hoping that if the prozac works for me then it will be easier to come off them as had awful issues coming of the seroxat.
Are you off meds completely now?

12-09-12, 17:57
Yup, no more meds, no more pathological anxiety. It can be done ))

12-09-12, 20:33
Wow, nice to hear something positive! Can I ask how you did it? Are you getting any cognitive behavioral therapy or have you got therapy?

Well done :)

12-09-12, 23:06
I suspect I started to experience the so-called SSRI poop out afters years on paroxetine. The next option was CBT and it turned out to be really effective indeed.

I know I should have started therapy earlier, but the SSRI numbness was enough to make me an almost functional human for a long period. Didn't see any reason to make the effort while it worked.

Whatever, good luck switching to prozac, hope you'll be ok with it. At least quitting this one will be much easier, and before you do I strongly recommend some CBT to get rid of that excessive anxiety for good. :)